
Nominations Open for 2018 ITS Postdoctoral Scholar in Thermoelectrics Award

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the inaugural 2018 ITS Postdoctoral Scholar in Thermoelectrics Award to recognize outstanding achievement in scholarship in the field of thermoelectricity. The award carries a cash prize of two thousand US dollars ($2000), honorary membership in the ITS, and a Descriptive Certificate that will be presented at the 37th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2018), in Caen, France.   

The award shall normally be bestowed upon a single recipient.

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Call for papers: Journal of Materials Research focus issue on Interconnects and Interfaces in Energy Conversion

Interconnect and Interface Materials for High-Temperature Energy Conversion Technologies
Submission Deadline—February 1, 2018

Please contact with questions.

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Grant Applicaions for TE Stove Design Challenge Due November 1, 2017

The Alliance for Green Heat has posted the online application form for teams applying for $10,000 grants to be used for the 2018 Wood Stove Design Challenge. Grant funds can be used for supplies and materials used for building the stove, R&D, testing and travel.  The grants are made possible through the DOE's Bioenergy Technology Office (BETO). Click here for more information about the Design Challenge.

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