European Thermoelectric Society Elections 2013

Three European Thermoelectric Society (ETS) Board Director positions will be opened for election at the 11th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, to be held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands November 18th to 20th.

The President invites you to nominate your candidate(s) by email to containing:

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European Thermoelectric Society (ETS) Website circa 2002

The pages shown here are a static mirror of the European Thermoelectric Society (circa 2002) site stored for achival purposes on 20060519. Note that many links are broken, particularly those for downloading files. You may have faster/better access by using this link to open a new window with the ETS website: ETS - circa 2002

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European Thermoelectric Society Updates

The annual European Conference on Thermoelectrics was held concurrently with ICT2009 last month in Freiburg, Germany. 

We have learned Prof. D.M. Rowe of Cardiff, Wales has been elected the new President of the European Thermoelectric Society (ETS).  Prof. Rowe will replace Prof. Hubert Scherrer of Nancy, France as President.

Also, four new members have been elected to the ETS Board:

Matteo Codecasa, Italy
Mikhail Fedorov, Russia
Lennart Holmgren, Sweden
Jose G. Vian, Spain

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Call for Proposals to Host 2010 European Thermoelectric Conference

The European Thermoelectric Society requests proposals to host the 8th European Thermoelectric Conference at a location somewhere in Europe in 2010. Proposals should be submitted before the 2009 European Thermoelectric Conference to be held in Freiburg, Germany 26-30 July, 2009. For details on the 2009 conference see:

If your organization is interested in hosting the 2010 ECT please contact for details:

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+- Call For Proposals to Host ECT2010

The European Thermoelectric Society is requesting proposals to host ECT2010, the 8th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, to be held in Europe in 2010.

Proposals should be submitted to the ETS President, Prof. Scherrer <>, prior to ECT2008 to be held in Paris, France July 2-4, 2008.

The ETS Board will make their selection at the annual ETS Board Meeting to be held July 1, 2008.  For full consideration, please make submission sufficiently early to allow Prof. Scherrer and the ETS Board to ask questions regarding your proposal.

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+- ETS Board Nominations Now Open

The European Thermoelectric Society (ETS) seeks nominations to join the ETS Board.

Three positions will be filled by election at the upcoming ECT2008 to be held July 2-4, 2008 in Paris, France.

Anyone who wishes to submit their name in candidacy, or to nominate someone, must send a message of motivation and presentation to:

    Hubert Scherrer, ETS President, at

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Notes from the 2007 ETS Board Meeting

The Board of the European Thermoelectric Society met in Odessa on
September 9, 2007 prior to ECT2007.  The following is a brief summary of
some items of general interest discussed at the meeting.

Proposals to Organize ECT

The Board will ask for proposals to organize the annual European
Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT) and make their decision two years in

Composition of the ETS Board and Selection Members

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2007 European Thermoelectric Conference in Odessa Ukraine

The board of the European Thermoelectric Society voted unanimously at their annual meeting held 10 April, 2006 in Cardiff to hold the 2007 European Thermoelectric Conference in Odessa Ukraine.

Vladimir Semenyuk will be Conference Chairman, he has confirmed to that the conference will be held in the month of September 2007 in Odessa. A first announcement will be sent out in Summer 2006.

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