Benefits of Registering as a Website User

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Registering as a User of this website is free, easy and gives you the opportunity to post announcements for conferences, jobs, websites etc.  Just use the login/register  link.

Once you've registered and responded to the confirming email, you gain permission to make postings of your own on the website.  Login and you'll find links to create

  • Upcoming Conference announcements
  • Job announcements
  • Postings in the public Forums
  • An entry to ZTlinks, our collection of companies and information available on the web. 
Conference and Job announcements posted in this way are automatically included in future mailings of, the Newsletter of the International Thermoelectric Society.
You'll also be able to login later and update any content you created.
Also, if your email address matches our records as an attendee of the most recent International Conference on Thermoelectrics you will automatically be granted additional privileges on our website as a member of the ITS. You don't have to be a member of the ITS to access our website. But it helps.
We ask that you keep on topic, posting only items related to thermoelectricity. We reserve the right to delete inappropriate content.