This is a static, unmaintained archive of the ITS website made December 2020 simply for historical interest. Please go to the current website at for up to date information. Content and links here may be broken and will never get fixed.
Promoting thermoelectric technology to mitigate global climate change
Please use the ITS Contact form if you would like more information about the Interantional Thermoelectric Society (ITS). Be sure to include a valid email address. Please understand that we prefer this form for initial contact to reduce spam.
Should you login to the ITS website or try to use the "Contact" page you will notice a new "I am not a robot" check box. This, obviously, is an attempt to filter out spam and robots, a chronic problem.
If you need to reach the ITS Webmaster and simply can't get past our spam filters, please write me directly at and I'll try to help. Apologies if there is any inconvenience, but the war with semi-intelligent spam-bots is relentless.
Some content may be available to ITS Members only.
ITS Members may login using your email address of record to retrieve your password, if necessary. Once logged in, view "my account" to change your username (recommended if your username contains your full email address) and your password. You may allow others to contact using the checkbox under "my account" > "edit" > "Personal contact form".
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In the early years of the International Thermoelectric Society a newsletter "Thermoelectric News" was printed and mailed to members once or twice a year. Eleven issues were published, ten of which are attached below. Volume 9 from 1997 is not presently available. If anyone has a copy, please contact the ITS webmaster and we will post it here. Three Thermoelectric Directories (1994-6) were also published and distributed. Each of these documents are made available as attachments below.
The bad news is: you may need some work on your test-taking skills. This website, as perhaps you have noticed by now, is about Thermoelectrics and has nothing whatever to do with the TOEFL exams. Even though the spelling ( vs. is similar, the meaning is entirely different. The context (i.e. the fact that this website is about thermoelectrics, and not testing) might have been a clue for you.
Although you have not had a particularly auspicious start, we wish you the best of luck on your exams.