
International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) Website circa 20031022

The pages shown here are a static mirror of the International Thermoelectric Society (circa 2003) site stored for achival purposes on 20060519. Note that many links are broken, particularly those for downloading files. You may have faster/better access by using this link to open a new window with the ITS2003 website: ITS Website - circa 2003

News Category: 

Call for Proposals to Host ICT2008

The following is an announcement from the President Elect of the International Thermoelectric Society. Please direct your responses to:
Prof. Ctirad Uher, ITS President Elect
Ctirad Uher

Dear prospective Conference Organizer,

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) is looking for organizations interested in hosting its 27th annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) in the year 2008.

The ICT has been the most important annual meeting for scientists, engineers and industry in the field of thermoelectric research and development for application to power generation, thermal management and sensing equipment. Thanks to a renewal in the field of thermoelectrics, and a string of well organized

News Category: 

+- ICT2004 Proceedings Expected to Ship In December

The following was sent by email Nov. 26, 2005 from Prof. Ozdemir Gol to authors who participated in ICT2004 held last year in Adelaide, Australia.

Dear ICT2004 Authors,

The ITC2004 Proceedings are being produced in CDROM format and will be
shipped to all registered participants of ICT2004 before 25 December 2005.
In addition, preparations are in hand to include them on the IEEE database
(IEEEXplore) early in the New Year for world wide access.

The Conference Organising Committee wishes to thank you for your
cooperation and patience.

Sincerely - with Season's Greetings,

Özdemir Göl
Chairman: ICT2004
School of Electrical & Information Engineering
Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment
University of South Australia
GPO Box 2471
Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: +61 8 8302 3285
Facsimile: +61 8 8302 3384

News Category: 

ICT2005 Proceedings Status

The Publisher (IEEE) expects to have the CDs in October, with the book itself in October or November.

The CD-ROM with all of the ICT2005 papers that were submitted for publication will be mailed to all attendees in October, and it will also be available for purchase from the IEEE's websites ( and The
printed Proceedings this year will be produced in sufficient quantities to fulfill ONLY those orders placed at the conference or before September 15th. It will not be available for separate purchase.

If you'd like a printed Proceedings or additional copies of the CD (remember: ICT2005 attendees will automatically get a CD, but no book), and did not order one at ICT2005, please be patient. A web page is now available for this purpose.

Pre-orders are no longer available. ICT2005 Proceedings will be available through the IEEE links above once publishing is complete

A reminder to ICT2005 presenters: if you haven't submitted the file containing your paper, and you wish to have it in the ICT2005 Proceedings, please send the file to Paul Wesling (IEEE publishing) at:

News Category: 

ITS Board Director Nominations Now Open

One International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) Board Director position will be open for election at the 24th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, to be held in Clemson, USA, June 19-23, 2005. The ITS Nomination and Election Committee invites you to nominate your candidate(s) by clicking here. The Committee will make every effort to attract candidates from a variety of geographic, technical fields, and institutions, to best serve the Mission of the International Thermoelectric Society. The list of current Board Directors can be found here.

News Category: 

Call for Proposals to Host ICT2007

The following is an announcement from the President of the International
Thermoelectric Society. Please direct your responses to:
Prof. Kunihito Koumoto, ITS President

Dear prospective Conference Organizer,

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) is looking for organizations
interested in hosting its 26th annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) in the year 2007.

The ICT has been the most
important annual meeting for scientists, engineers and industry in the
field of thermoelectric research and development for application to power
generation, thermal management and sensing equipment. Thanks to a renewal
in the field of thermoelectrics, and a string of well organized
conferences, interest in this conference increased in the last few years with attendance between 200 and 300 “thermoelectricians”.

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