
Export 139 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Vasilevskiy D, Simard JM, Masut R.A., Turenne S.  2014.  System for the simultaneous Harman based measurement of thermoelectric parameters from 240 K to 720 K with novel calibration procedure. International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA - July 6-10, 2014.
Yamasaka S, Nakamura Y, Ueda T, Takeuchi S, Sakai A.  2014.  Thermal and electrical properties of Si films including epitaxial Ge nanodot phonon-scatterers. International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA - July 6-10, 2014.
Takagiwa Y., Imai E., Yoshida T., Yanagihara D., Kanazawa I., Kimura K..  2014.  Thermoelectric Properties of Complex Structure Borides: Cu-doped β-boron and ternary Ti10Ru19B8 Compounds. International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA - July 6-10, 2014.
Jood P, Ohta M, Nishiate H, Yamamoto A, Lebedev OI, Berthbaud D, Koichiro S, Kun, ii M.  2014.  Thermoelectric properties of misfit layered sulfides (LaS)1+mTS2 (T= Cr, Nb) prepared through CS2 sulfurization. International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA - July 6-10, 2014.
Carr WD, Morelli DT.  2014.  Zinc doped solid solutions of CuInTe2 and CuGaTe2. International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT2014, Nashville, Tennessee, USA - July 6-10, 2014.
Kanno T, Takahashi K, Sakai A, Tamaki H, Kusada H, Yamada Y.  2013.  Detection of Thermal Radiation, Sensing of Heat Flux, and Recovery of Waste Heat by the Transverse Thermoelectric Effects. Journal of Electronic Materials.
Fujii S, et. al..  2013.  Effect of dynamic interlayer interacraction on phonon thermal conduction in a layered cobalt oxide Ca3Co4O9. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Casolo S, et. al..  2013.  Fundamental properties of oxygen deficient calcium cobalt oxide. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Suzumura A, et. al..  2013.  Improvement in thermoelectric properties of Se-free Cu3SbS4 compound. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Dávila D, Tarancón A, Calaza C, Salleras M, Fernández-Regúlez M, San Paulo A, Fonseca L.  2013.  Integration of multiple linked arrays of silicon nanowires into planar thermoelectric microgenerators. Journal of Electronic Materials. 42(7):1925.
Elefsiniotis A., Samson D., Becker T., Schmid U..  2013.  Investigation on the Performance of Thermoelectric Energy Harvesters under Real Flight Conditions. Journal of Electronic Materials. 42(7):2305.
Kita T, Murai J, Banerjee D, Manabe A, Zhang M, Kawai Y.  2013.  Low Thermal Conductivity in High-Z Thermoelectric Materials with Controlled Nanodispersions. Journal of Electronic Materials.
Liu H, et. al..  2013.  Phase transition enhanced thermoelectric performance in Cu2Se. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Zheng G, et. al..  2013.  The preparation of large-sized p-type Bi2Te3 based thermoelectric materials and their homogeneity. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Kubouchi M, et. al..  2013.  Quantitative analysis of interstitial Mg in Mg2Si studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Pham NHoang, et. al..  2013.  Segmentation of high efficiency thermoelectric unicouples using compatibility factor approach. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Beaumale M, et. al..  2013.  Thermoelectric properties and nonstoichiometry in TiS2 based compounds. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Jood P, et. al..  2013.  Thermoelectric properties of layered sulfides (LaS)1.2CrS2 (Ln: rare earth metals) prepared through CS2 sulfurization. Proceedings on the 32rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2013.
Slack GA.  2011.  The Thermoelectrics of Buk Materials: A History. The 30<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT2011. PDF icon Glen Slack's ICT 2011 presentation.pdf (1.59 MB)
