Integration of multiple linked arrays of silicon nanowires into planar thermoelectric microgenerators

TitleIntegration of multiple linked arrays of silicon nanowires into planar thermoelectric microgenerators
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsDávila D, Tarancón A, Calaza C, Salleras M, Fernández-Regúlez M, San Paulo A, Fonseca L
Journal TitleJournal of Electronic Materials
Journal Date07/2013
Start Page1918
Keywordsenergy harvesting, Silicon nanowires, thermoelectric microgenerators, thermoelectricity

Low-dimensional structures have been shown to be promising candidates for enhancing the thermoelectric properties of semiconductors, paving the way for integration of thermoelectric generators into silicon microtechnology. With this aim, dense arrays of well-oriented and size-controlled silicon nanowires (Si NWs) obtained by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism have been implemented into microfabricated structures to develop planar unileg thermoelectric microgenerators (μTEGs). Different low-thermal-mass suspended structures have been designed and microfabricated on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates to operate as microthermoelements using p-type Si NW arrays as the thermoelectric material. To obtain nanowire arrays with effective lengths larger than normally attained by the VLS technique, structures composed of multiple ordered arrays consecutively bridged by transversal microspacers have been fabricated. The successive linkage of multiple Si NW arrays enabled the development of larger temperature differences while preserving good electrical contact. This gives rise to small internal thermoelement resistances, enhancing the performance of the devices as energy harvesters

