This is a static, unmaintained archive of the ITS website made December 2020 simply for historical interest. Please go to the current website at for up to date information. Content and links here may be broken and will never get fixed.
Promoting thermoelectric technology to mitigate global climate change
A marine waste incinerator has been evaluated for waste heat harvesting using thermoelectric generators (TEG). The application has been evaluated using mathematical modeling to optimize the heat exchanger and some vital design parameters of the TEG. The calculation shows that it is possible to extract 58 kWel at a price of 6.6 US$/W from an 850-kWth incinerator when optimizing for maximum power. However, minimizing the cost, it is possible to get 25 kWel at a price of 2.5 US$/W. A trade-off between the two targets leads to a combination that gives 38 kWel at a price of 2.7 US$/W.