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2010 International Thermoelectric Society Best Scientific and Application Paper Awards

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) will sponsor a Best Scientific and a Best Application Papers awards at the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Each award carries a five hundred dollars (US$500) cash prize and will be presented at the Banquet at the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2010) in Shanghai, China.


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ICT2010 Abstract Deadline: March 1, 2010


Dear fellow Thermoelectricians:

The Spring Festival (the Chinese New Year) is just around the corner, we shall take a holiday from Feb. 11 to Feb. 22, during which the abstract system will be still available for use.

This is only a reminder that the deadline to submit your abstract for ICT2010 is March 1, 2010.

If you have already submitted your abstract, thank you! If you have decided not to submit an abstract, please disregard this e-mail. 

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XVII General Session of the International Academy of Refrigeration (IAR) – 2010

The XVII General Session of the International Academy of Refrigeration – 2010 will be held on April 20-21, 2009 in St. Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food Engineering, Russia. All members of the Section for Alternative Methods of Refrigeration of the IAR are invited.

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Call for Candidates to the 2010 Annual Goldsmid Award

Call for Candidates to the 2010 Annual Goldsmid Award

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the 2010 Goldsmid Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a Graduate Student.

The award is sponsored by Marlow Industries, Inc. and carries a cash prize of one thousand dollars ($1000) and a Descriptive Certificate that will be presented at the Banquet of the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2010), in Shanghai, China..

In addition, the 2010 Award will include a US$1000 contribution to the awardee to cover travel and fees for attending ICT 2010, May– 30 – June 3, 2010 inShanghai, China.

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Call for Candidates to the 2010 Annual Young Investigator Award

Call for Candidates to the 2010 Annual Young Investigator Award


The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the 2010 ITS Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a young investigator who holds a permanent position in either: academia (tenure track), industry, government lab or scientific institute (e.g. The Max Planck Institute). This award is to be given to a young researcher who has exhibited a record of excellent original work and significant results in the field of thermoelectrics or thermoelectric materials. The recipient should have shown significant research in the early stages of his/her career.

The award is sponsored by The International Thermoelectrics Society (ITS) and carries a cash prize of two thousand dollars ($2000 in US currency) and a Descriptive Certificate. The 2010 award will be presented at the Banquet of the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2010), May 30 – June 3, in Shanghai, China.

In addition, the recipient of the ITS Young Investigator Award will be given an invited talk at the ICT 2010 in order to highlight the research leading to the award.

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