2010 International Thermoelectric Society Best Scientific and Application Paper Awards

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The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) will sponsor a Best Scientific and a Best Application Papers awards at the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Each award carries a five hundred dollars (US$500) cash prize and will be presented at the Banquet at the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2010) in Shanghai, China.


With the exception of invited papers, the Best ‘Scientific’ and ‘Application’ Papers will be selected among all manuscripts submitted by May 1st, 2010 at http://ict2010.its.org/manuscripts. Manuscripts submitted later will not be considered for these awards. Awards are based primarily on the scientific merit, originality, and clarity of the manuscripts.


Any questions related to the ITS awards may be addressed to the ITS President, Dr. Thierry Caillat, preferably by e-mail at itspresident@its.org.