
Call for Candidates to the 2016 Annual Goldsmid Award & Graduate Student Awards

Call for Candidates to the 2016 Annual Goldsmid Award & Graduate Student Awards

The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the 2016 Goldsmid Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a Graduate Student.

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ICT 2015 Poster Awards Announced

The following ten posters were awarded $500.00 ITS Poster Awards at the conference in Dresden:

Joya Cooley, et al.(PA047) Investigating the Effect of Cationic Rare‐Earth Substitution on New Zintl Phase Solid Solution Eu11‐xYbxCd6Sb12

Guodong Li, et al. (PB041) Thermal and Electrical Properties of Rolled‐up and Compressed Semiconductor/Metal Hybrid Superlattices

Baoli Du, et al. (PA086) Impact of Lone‐Pair Electrons on Thermal Conductivity in CuSbS2 Compound

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Dr. Gerald Mahan to be honored with 2015 ITS Outstanding Achievement Award

The International Thermoelectric Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Gerald Mahan, Pennsylvania State University, USA, has been selected as the recipient of the fifth ITS Outstanding Achievement Award, co-sponsored by Komatsu and supported by the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids. Dr.

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ITS Awards Presented on July 9, 2014

2014 winner of the annual Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics Award - Professor Mercouri G. Kanatzidis of Northwestern University

2014 winner of the annual Young Investigator Award - Professor Ronggui Yang of University of Colorado at Boulder.

2014 winner of the annual Goldsmid Award - Mr. Heng Wang of California Institute of Technology.

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Chi, Dehkordi, Liu, and Xie win 2014 ITS Graduate Student Awards

The International Thermoelectric Society is pleased to announce the 2014 winners of the annual Graduate Student Awards - Mr. Hang Chi of University of Michigan, Mr. Arash Dehkordi of Clemson University, Mr. Huili Liu of Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Ms. Hanhui Xie of Zhejiang University.


-- Jihui Yang, ITS President


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ITS announces ITS graduate student awards

Starting 2014 the ITS will have four 4 additional graduate student awards.

Following the same Eligibility and selection criteria for the Goldsmid award,
the ITS will select up to 4 applicants for the Goldsmid award with $500 ITS graduate student award.

Prior winners of the Goldsmid award are not eligible for the graduate student award.

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ITS awards - Confirmation of applications

We have passed the May4th deadline for submitting applications for the 2012 ITS awards. I was made aware that I did not receive some applications that were sent to me by e-mail.

If you have submitted an application but have not received a confirmation, please send an inquiry to all members of the 2012 ITS awards committee at:


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Reminder: Deadline for ITS Goldsmid, Young Investigator and Outstanding Achievement is May 04th

This is a reminder that all applications for the International Thermoelectric Society Goldsmid, Young Investigator and Outstanding Achievement awards must be received by May 04th, 2012. Eligibility criteria and instructions for submitting applications can be found in the awards section of the ITS website.

We look forward to receiving your application.

ITS Award Committee

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