News Category:
2014 winner of the annual Outstanding Achievement in Thermoelectrics Award - Professor Mercouri G. Kanatzidis of Northwestern University
2014 winner of the annual Young Investigator Award - Professor Ronggui Yang of University of Colorado at Boulder.
2014 winner of the annual Goldsmid Award - Mr. Heng Wang of California Institute of Technology.
2014 winners of the annual Graduate Student Awards:
Mr. Hang Chi of University of Michigan
Mr. Arash Dehkordi of Clemson University
Mr. Huili Liu of Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ms. Hanhui Xie of Zhejiang University
ICT2014 Best Paper Awards Presented at the Society Banquet, July 9, 2014
D.Vasilevskiy1,2, J.-M.Simard3, R.A.Masut1, S.Turenne1, 1 École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 2 TEMTE Inc, Montreal, Canada, 3 EXAPROM Inc, Blainville, Canada, System for the simultaneous Harman based measurement of thermoelectric parameters from 240 K to 720 K with novel calibration procedure
ICT2014 Best Poster Awards Presented at the Society Banquet, July 9, 2014
Priyanka Jood1, Michihiro Ohta1, Hirotaka Nishiate1, Atsushi Yamamoto1, Oleg I. Lebedev2, David Berthbaud2, Suekuni Koichiro3, Masaru Kunii1, 1National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 2Laboratoire CRISMAT, 3Hiroshima University, Thermoelectric properties of misfit layered sulfides (LaS)1+mTS2 (T= Cr, Nb) prepared through CS2 sulfurization
Yukari Katsura1, Hidenori Takagi1,2, 1Univ. of Tokyo, 2Max Planck Inst. for Solid State Research, Material dependence of sound velocity and minimum phonon thermal conductivity from first-principles
Y. Lee1, S. H. Lo1, C. Chen1, H. Sun2, D. Y. Chung3, T. C. Chasapis1, C. Uher2, V. P. Dravid1, and M. G. Kanatzidis1,3, 1Northwestern Univ., 2Univ. of Michigan, 3Argonne National Lab., Contrasting Role of Sb and Bi Dopants in the Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance of PbSe
J. Ma1, O. Delaire2, E. Specht2, J. Budai2, A. May2, M. McGuire2, Tao. Hong1, O. Gourdon1, D. Abernathy1, and G. Ehlers1, 1Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA, 2Material science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA, Neutron Scattering Investigation of Phonon Scattering Rates in Ag1-xSb1+xTe2+x
Hans-Fridtjof Pernau, Markus Bartel, Alexandre Jacquot, Markus Winkler, Karina Tarantik, Jana Heuer, Jan D. König, Martin Jägle, and Kilian Bartholomé, Department of Energy Systems Fraunhofer IPM, Investigations on novel thermoelectric materials using a high temperature Hall-measurement-setup
Tae-Ho An 1,2, Young Soo Lim 1, Won-Seon Seo 1, Cheol-Hee Park3 and Chan Park 2, 1Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET), Republic of Korea, 2Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, 3LG Chem/Research Park, Republic of Korea, Effects of Bi Vacancy on Thermoelectric Properties in Bi1-xCuOSe
P. Aranguren, D. Astrain*, A. Rodríguez, A. Martínez, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Public University of Navarre, UPNa. Pamplona, SPAIN, Design And Experimentation Of A Thermoelectric Generator Placed In The Exhaust Channel Of A Combustion Chamber
Winston D. Carr, and Donald T. Morelli, Michigan State University, Zinc doped solid solutions of CuInTe2 and CuGaTe2
Hang Chi,1 Cestmir Drasar,2 Petr Lostak,2 and Ctirad Uher1, 1University of Michigan, United States, 2University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, Low Temperature Transport Properties of Bi2-xInxTe3 Single Crystals
K. H. Lee1, S. M. Choi2, D. J. Yang3, 1Kangwon National University, 2Korea University of Technology and Education, 3Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Enhanced thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi-Sb-Te alloys by co-doping of Ga2Te3 and Ag
Luke Schoensee1 , Yanliang Zhang1 (corresponding author), Tony Christensen1, Martin Cleary2, Xiaowei Wang2, 1Department of Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering, Boise State University, 2GMZ Energy, Inc., Nanostructured Bulk High-Temperature Thermoelectric Generator for Efficient Automotive Waste Heat Recovery
Y. Takagiwa,1 E. Imai,2 T. Yoshida,1 D. Yanagihara,1 I. Kanazawa,2 and K. Kimura1, 1The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan, Thermoelectric Properties of Complex Structure Borides: Cu-doped β-boron and ternary Ti10Ru19B8 Compounds
Shuto Yamasaka1 , Yoshiaki Nakamura1, 2, Tomohiro Ueda1, Shotaro Takeuchi1 and Akira Sakai1, 1Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan, 2PRESTO, JST, Japan, Thermal and electrical properties of Si films including epitaxial Ge nanodot phonon-scatterers
Kazuaki Yazawa1, Armin K Silaen2, Bin Wu2, Chenn Qian Zhou2, and Ali Shakouri1, 1 Purdue University, 2 Purdue University Calumet, Cost effective topping thermoelectric power generation on coal fired power plants