Young Investigator Award Winners

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The Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics was initiated in 2007. The Award goes to a young investigator holding a researcher/engineer position in either: academia, industry, government lab or scientific institute (e.g. The Max Planck Institute).  This award is to be given to a young researcher who has exhibited a record of excellent original work and significant results in the field of thermoelectrics or thermoelectric materials. Click here for the most recent announcements


Summary of Young Investigator Award Winners

Year Awardee Institution Area of Study Sponsor
2009 Dr. Rhyee Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea   ITS
2010 Dr. Xun Shi Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, China Skutterudites ITS
2011 Professor Eric Toberer Colorado School of Mines  


2012 (not awarded)      
2013 Yanzhong Pei Tongji University   ITS

Professor Ronggui Yang

University of Colorado at Boulder


Dr. Sabah Bux

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Bulk Nanostructured Materials ITS

Professor Chunlei Wan

Tsinghua University, China

  ITS & Gentherm

Professor Lidong Zhao

Beihang University, China 


  ITS & Gentherm

Professor Xiaoyuan Zhou

Chongqing University, China  

ITS & Gentherm


Professor Jiong Yang

Shanghai University  

ITS & Gentherm


Dr. Yanliang Zhang

University of Notre Dame, USA  

ITS & Gentherm