Thermoelectric News

RTG Powered 'New Horizons' Prepares for Encounter with Pluto

New Horizons, NASA's radioistopte thermoelectic generator (RTG) powered mission to Pluto and the Kupier Belt, was awakened from hibernation mode last month in preparation for encountering the Pluto system with closest approach July 14, 2015. Here's the latest news from the Johns Hopkin's Applied Laboratory on this historic mission.

The closest approach to Pluto will occur just two weeks after the 2015 International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2015) to be held in Dresden, Germany.

See the New Horizons mission website for current news on the Pluto encounter:

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ITMO University announced the Fellowships and Visiting Professorships Program

ITMO University (St. Petersburg, Russia) announced the Fellowships and Visiting Professorships Program:
One of the Program areas is “Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials”, including thermoelectrics.
See Appendix 2: “Laboratory on direct energy conversion and nano-engineering of thermoelectric structures” at the web:

Professor Lev Bulat

ITMO University

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I'm working on alternate delivery software which may (or may not) improve the situation.  For the time being, please visit the archives at:

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  -  ITS Webmaster.



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