This is a static, unmaintained archive of the ITS website made December 2020 simply for historical interest. Please go to the current website at for up to date information. Content and links here may be broken and will never get fixed.
Promoting thermoelectric technology to mitigate global climate change
Prof. Eric Toberer from the Department of Physics Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, USA has been selected as the recipient of the 2011 Young Investigator International Thermoelectric Society Award. The award will be given to Prof. Toberer during the award ceremony at the ICT2011 banquet in Traverse City, Michigan. Prof. Toberer will give an invited talk at ICT2011.
Call for Candidates to the 2010 Annual Young Investigator Award
The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the 2010 ITS Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a young investigator who holds a permanent position in either: academia (tenure track), industry, government lab or scientific institute (e.g. The Max Planck Institute). This award is to be given to a young researcher who has exhibited a record of excellent original work and significant results in the field of thermoelectrics or thermoelectric materials. The recipient should have shown significant research in the early stages of his/her career.
The award is sponsored by The International Thermoelectrics Society (ITS) and carries a cash prize of two thousand dollars ($2000 in US currency) and a Descriptive Certificate. The 2010 award will be presented at the Banquet of the 29th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2010), May 30 – June 3, in Shanghai, China.
In addition, the recipient of the ITS Young Investigator Award will be given an invited talk at the ICT 2010 in order to highlight the research leading to the award.
The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the ITS Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a young investigator who holds a permanent position in either: academia (tenure track), industry, government lab or scientific institute (e.g. The Max Planck Institute). This award is to be given to a young researcher who has exhibited a record of excellent original work and significant results in the field of thermoelectrics or thermoelectric materials. The recipient should have shown significant research in the early stages of their career.