This is a static, unmaintained archive of the ITS website made December 2020 simply for historical interest. Please go to the current website at for up to date information. Content and links here may be broken and will never get fixed.
Promoting thermoelectric technology to mitigate global climate change
As a motivational aide, the figure below is a record of the number of abstracts created leading up the the abstract submission deadline for ICT2014. The vast majority of abstracts were drafted and submitted in a single website session very near the deadline.
Consider the conference organizers. They have little idea of the actual conference turnout, or even if the website and review process can handle the load, until the crush of submssions begins in earnest perhaps two weeks before the abstract deadline. Quite often, as happened for ICT2014, the organizers will elect to extend the abstract deadline somewhat. This gives them some limited ability to manage the number of submissions, but authors should not count on the deadline being extended.
The author too faces a challenge, of course. They naturally want their abstract to reflect their most recent results and may work until as close to the deadline as practical. No system can perfectly balance these opposing factors, but perhaps having some data like this may aid in your planning.
Dear Prospective Conference Organizer for ICT-2016,
The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) is soliciting organizations interested in hosting its 35th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT-2016) in the year 2016. In 2016 the ITS and the local committee in the Asian region will hold in the International Conference on Thermoelectrics.
After the successful ICT/ECT 2012 in Aalborg the next combined ICT/ECT will be 2015.
The awarding of organizing institution (and venue) will be performed by board of the International Thermoelectric Society two years in ahead at the ICT 2013 in Kobe Japan. Thus the board of The European Thermoelectric Society will decide on his candidate beginning of 2013.
We are pleased to announce that the opening speech of the ICT/ECT2012 will be given by the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Building, Mr Martin Lidegaard.
Are you or your company interested in becoming a sponsor for the ICT/ECT2012. the premium event in thermoelectric research, development and application? To see which sponsorship option suits you, you can find full details on-line at, in the attached file, or by contacting Mrs Hanne Munk Madsen at 9940 3313.
Registration is now open and abstracts are being accepted for the 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, to be held July 17-21, 2011 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Please see the conference website below for details. Those attendees requiring a letter of invitation for visa purposes should submit their request through the registration process as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for processing.