Influence of the Consolidation Technique on the Thermoelectric Properties of Mechanically Alloyed Bi-Sb

TitleInfluence of the Consolidation Technique on the Thermoelectric Properties of Mechanically Alloyed Bi-Sb
Publication TypeProceedings Article
Year of Conference1997
AuthorsMartin-Lopez R, Dauscher A, Devaux X, Lenoir B, Scherrer H, Zandona M
Conference NameProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT97
Conference LocationDresden, Germany
EditorSchumann J
ISBN Number0-7803-4057-4

The aim of this work is multiple: first the synthesis by mechanical alloying of homogeneous Bi85Sb15 polycrystalline powder alloys, that have been achieved with an adequate ball to powder weight ratio (10:1), second the consolidation of the powders either by sintering or by hot extrusion in order to try to introduce a texture in the material and finally to measure the thermoelectric properties of consolidated samples in the 77-300 K temperature range.

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