Ronggui Yang of MIT (US) wins 2005 Goldsmid Award

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Ronggui Yang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology met demanding standard to win the 2005 Goldsmid Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a Graduate Student. The Goldsmid Award, presented to Mr. Yang at the ICT2005 banquet, seeks to identify exceptional Ph.D. candidate graduate students hwo have made unusually notable contributions to thermoelectrics. The 2005 award was sponsored again by Marlow Industries, Inc. and carries a cash award of US$1000 as well as an additional US$1000 to be used for travel and fees relate to attending the ICT.

Mr. Yang was unanimously recommended by the Award Committee. Selected papers by Mr. Yang considered by the selection committee are available through the ITS website through the new online thermoelectric bibliography 'ZTbib' available at:


Mr. Yang's publication record is impressive for anyone, much less for a student. It is hoped that this
Award will encourage him to continue continue his contributions to thermoelectrics. Mr. Yang has accepted an academic position in Colorado, US to begin in a few months and he hopes to pursue thermoelectrics further.