UK thermoelectric network meeting, 2nd May 2019, Kings College, London

Event Date(s): 



King’s College London, Bush House, The Strand

City, State/Prov: 



United Kingdom

Contact Name: 

Mike Reece


Dear All,

Please save this date in your diaries: The next UK thermoelectric network meeting will be on the 2nd May 2019 in London. The meeting is supported by the EPSRC funded DEFCOM project involving Kings College and QMUL. The meeting will be an opportunity to show that we can sustain the momentum created over the past four years.

Venue: King’s College London, Bush House, The Strand, which is in the city centre, a short walk away from Waterloo and Temple Stations.

Registration will be from 9:30-10 am, with the meeting ending at around 16:30. The registration fee will be around £30 to cover venue and catering costs.

Call for abstracts and registration will follow soon.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in London,

Nicola Bonini, Cedric Weber, Mike Reece, Haixue Yan

King’s College London & Queen’s Mary London