I am pretty new to the thermo electric effect, and have some questions.
Thermo electric generation seems to mainly happen at a small scale, is there any particular reason for this? or is there no size restriction to these TEG elements ?
If I were to build my own custom sized TEG, what materials should i use?
I am a student and wish to do research on electricity generation through heat differentials. The place where I am going to do this research has some heat exchangers of which a few are used for waste heat. It would be great if I could assemble thermo electric generators inside them.
Another few questions I have are about ambient air cooling.
The surroundings where my research is going to take place has many hot surfaces. I realize that a surface wherefrom a heat flow is undesirable should not be used for thermal electric generation because it would encourage the heat flow. There are quite a few unisolated hot surfaces however, where a heat flow would not be particulary undesirable. My plan is to do a bit of research with TEG elements on these surfaces. On the cold side of the element I had planned to rig a cooling block designed for computer processor cooling, because these cooling blocks are made for a similar function and are easy to obtain. Passive cooling with ambient air is probably not a very productive plan, but since the surfaces are large could still have some economical value.
Now I am wondering: is there any advise on passive ambient air cooling? and is there anything I have missed or I should keep in mind?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.
High regards,
Remi Meijer
Engineering student from the Netherlands
Is there anyone that has some
Is there anyone that has some experience and can help?
Otherwise I will start with puzzling together the knowlegde by myself. though, I'd prefer some precognition in the area if someone is willing to give it to me .
Best regards