IX School on Thermoelectricity

Event Date(s): 

2017-07-10 to 2017-07-14

City, State/Prov: 




Contact Email: 


The Organising Committee of the IX International School on Thermoelectricity invites leading specialists, young scientists, doctoral students, post-graduate students and students to participate in its work.

Organisers of the school are: Institute of Thermoelectricity of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Yu. Fedkovych Chernovtsy National University and International Thermoelectric Academy.

The school will be held on July 11-14, 2017.

The venue of the school is  Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. 

The working language of the school is English (with simultaneous translation into Ukrainian and English).

Topics to be discussed:

  • theory of thermoelectric energy conversion;
  • thermoelectric material science;
  • technology of manufacturing thermoelements and modules;
  • thermoelectric generators: theory, design, applications;
  • thermoelectric coolers and conditioners: theory, design, applications;
  • thermoelectric measuring instruments and devices: theory of devices, design, applications;
  • reliability of thermoelectric devices;
  • other trends suggested by the participants.

Lectures. According to the program of the school the leading specialists in thermoelectricity, academicians and associates of the International Thermoelectric Academy, will deliver a series of lectures on the current trends in thermoelectricity. The materials of the lectures will then be published in a separate issue of the Journal of Thermoelectricity.

Scientific reports on the subject of the school (15 minutes long) are planned. Reports in the form of articles, after being reviewed, will be published in the Journal of Thermoelectricity, which is part of Scopus scientific and metric base.

The school program will be published by June 15, 2017 on the site school2017.inst.cv.ua.


For all questions, please, contact the Organizing Committee:

E-mail: anatych@gmail.com

Contacts: - Kuz Roman, tel. +0380372 58 56 48, mob. +308 99 609 26 32

School  Organisers’ Address

1 Nauki str., Chernivtsi, 58029, Ukraine, Institute of Thermoelectricity