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The ITS announces the establishment of its newest award beginning at ICT 2011: The Outstanding Achievement Award
The purpose of the Outstanding Achievement Award is to recognize the outstanding achievements of a senior scientist for their contributions to the field of thermoelectricty.
The Award
The Outstanding Achievement Award includes a $2,000 cash prize, honorary membership in ITS, and a unique trophy - a medal engraved out of SiGe. The award is presented annually at the ICT Meeting where the recipient is invited to give an honorary lecture, possibly at the ICT banquet.
The Outstanding Achievement Award is managed by the Outstanding Achievement Award Subcommittee of the ITS Awards Committee.
If you would like to nominate someone for 2011, please send a one page description of the outstanding acheivements to:
Jeff Snyder
California Institute of Technology
Please note that preference will be given to candidates that will be able to attend ICT 2011 in Traverse City, Michigan to accept the award.