ICT2019 - 38th International Conference on Thermoelectrics

Event Date(s): 

2019-06-30 to 2019-07-04


Hwabaek International Convention Center(HICO)

City, State/Prov: 



South Korea

Contact Name: 

Su-Dong Park

Contact Email: 


Greeting the Chair :
ITS Members 
It is my great honor to officially announce that the next year’s ICT event will be held in Gyeongju, Korea.
I would first like to express my sincere gratitude to all members of the International Thermoelectric Society and, particularly to the distinguished board members, for giving the invaluable opportunity to host the event in my country Korea.
Personally, I have an unforgettable memory of the event that was held with a great success in Jeju, Korea in 2007. During the conference, I remember, we were truly excited with resurged academic interests in thermoelectrics that were notably intensified over the years since 2000.
We have so far accumulated a lot of innovative intellectual properties and knowledge in the field upon valuable lessons from repeated failures and challenges.
As scientists, the exploration into the new world is our common goal as it was for Columbus in the past. We all have to step forward to reach the world of energy that should be more valuable.
In Gyeongju, Korea next year, we will again share our insights while exchanging new ideas on thermoelectrics. We will keep making efforts, sharing our common vision into the new world. I am sure that the Gyeongju conference in 2019 will provide all of us with another attractive platform for our discourse.
I hope to see all of you in Gyeongju, Korea 
and welcome you with my whole heart. 
Your continued supports will be highly appreciated.
Thank you,
        Park, ICT2019 Conference Chair
        SuDong Park
        Chair, ICT/ACT2019 Organizing Committee
ICT2019, June 30-July 4 2019, Gyeongju, SOUTH KOREA