ICT2010 - Shanghai, ICT2011 - Michigan, ECT2010 - Italy & ECT2011 - Denmark

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We've known since last summer that ICT2010 would be held in Shanghai, China. Prof. Lidong Chen is the chair and the website will be built at http://ict2010.its.org

Three more conference locations were selected during ICT2009/ECT2009 held last month in Freiburg, Germany.

A proposal from Michigan State University was selected to host ICT2011.  The conference chair will be Prof. Don Morelli of MSU.  The conference website will be built at http://ict2011.its.org.

The European Thermoelectric Society has selected Como, Italy as the location for ECT2010 and Aalborg, Denmark as the location for ECT2011.

Further details as they become available.