ICT2009 Awards

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Several ITS ponsored Awards were presented at ICT2009 last month in Freiburg, Germany.

Han Li, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials, Wuhan University of Technology, PRC earned the 2009 Goldsmid Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a Graduate Student.

The award is co-sponsored by Marlow Industries, Inc. and carries a cash prize of one thousand dollars ($1000) and a Descriptive Certificate presented at the Banquet of the 28th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and the 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2009), in Freiburg, Germany.

In addition, the 2009 Award includes a US$1000 contribution to the awardee to cover travel and fees for attending ICT & ECT 2009, July 26 - 30, 2009 in Freiburg, Germany.

Young Investigator Award

Jong-Soo Rhyee, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Yong-in, South Korea earned the 2009 ITS Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a young investigator.

This award is sponsored by The International Thermoelectrics Society (ITS) and carries a cash prize of two thousand dollars ($2000 in US currency) and a Descriptive Certificate. The 2009 award was presented at the Banquet of the 28th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and the 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2009), July 26 – 30, in Freiburg, Germany.

In addition, the recipient of the ITS Young Investigator Award gave an invited talk at the ICT & ECT 2009 to highlight the research leading to the award.

Best Scientific Paper Award

Two papers were awarded Best Scientific Paper Awards at ICT2009:

Tom Nilges, University of Münster, Germany "Highly Dynamic chalcogen chains in silver polychalcogenide halides: A new concept for Thermoelectrics", Full Text: JEMS-1337-o.pdf (649.47 KB)


Jean-Numa Gillet, University of Lille I, France "Self-Assembled Germanium Quantum-Dot Supercrystals in Silicon with Extremely Low Thermal Conductivities", Full Text:  JEMS-1377-o.fdf (739.18 KB)


Best Appled Paper Award

The Best Applied Paper Award at ICT2009 went to:

Mitsuru Kambe, CRIEPI, Japan "Encapsulated Thermoelectric Modules and Compliant Pads for Advanced Thermoelectric Systems", Full Text: JEMS-1338-o.fdf (628.94 KB)