Poster Award: Rheological design of 3D printable all-inorganic inks using BiSbTe-based thermoelectric materials

TitlePoster Award: Rheological design of 3D printable all-inorganic inks using BiSbTe-based thermoelectric materials
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKim F, Eom Y, Yang SEun, Ju H, Son JSung, Cha HGi
Refereed DesignationRefereed
Conference Name38th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and 4th Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics ICT/ACT2019
Conference Start Date30/06/2019

(School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea.

E-mail address: and

We recently reported all-inorganic inks using BiSbTe-based thermoelectric particles coupled with a
chalcogenidometallate (ChaM) inorganic binder. In the current study, we analyzed the rheological
behavior of the all-inorganic inks to assess printability and 3D structural retention with respect
to the ChaM content. It is well known that an incorporation of organic binders such as cellulose
acetate and poly(vinylidene fluoride) significantly enhances the viscoelasticity and corresponding
extrudability of the colloidal inks, but such organics inevitably degrade the final performance of the
printed objects due to the intrinsic limitation of electrical conductivity. We showed that using Sb2Te3
chalcogenidometallate (ChaM) ions as inorganic binder minimized the deterioration of the ultimate TE performance and improved the ink printability including extrusion behavior and shape retention
of the 3D structure.
