| Asia Science and Technology Portal |
| EMPA Materials Sciences & Technology |
| Heat Transfer Society of Japan |
| International Institute of Refrigeration |
| Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy |
| Japan Society of Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers |
| Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties |
| Japan Thermal Spray Society |
| Materials Science Society of Japan |
| The Ceramic Society of Japan |
| The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
| The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan |
| The Japan Institute of Metals |
| The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity |
| The Japan Society of Applied Physics |
| The Japan Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis |
| The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers |
| The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth |
| The Rare Earth Society of Japan |
| The Society of Materials Science, Japan |
| The Society of Powder Technology, JAPAN |