WWW Statistics for www.zts.com
Page counters, like the one above,
provide one measure of the popularity of a WWW site, but they generally
count only visits to a single page and hardly convey the whole
story. The following links provide a more complete profile of who visits, where they come
from and what they look at. Up until 2001 we have made every attempt to eliminate from these lists 'non-thermoelectric' visitors from 'robots', like the Yahoo organization for example, who catalog WWW sites. These cataloging 'robots' now account for more than 10 visits per day, which is good because it means people searching for 'thermoelectricity' will find us. But they skew our statistics so much that we try to weed them out as best we can. From 2001 forward, however, it has become increasingly difficult to weed out all robots, so the more recent statistics do include hits from some robots. www.zts.com gets hits from all over the world. We hope you find these stats, and the rest of the site, of some value. |
Statistics for 2002 - 118 visitors/day Statistics for 2001 - 100 visitors/day Statistics for 2000 - 66 visitors/day Statistics for 1999 - 44 visitors/day
Statistics for 1998 - 27 visitors/day
Statistics for 1997 - 35 visitors/day
Statistics for 1996 - 17 visitors/day
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Services. Last updated 02-08-13