The annual conference of the ![]() |
Organized by ![]() |
ICT/ECT 2009 Awards
- 2009 Best Poster Award
- 2009 ITS Scientific and Applied Awards
- 2009 Annual Young Investigator Award
- 2009 Annual Goldsmid Award
2009 Best Poster Award
We are happy to announce a best poster award for this year’s conference. The award is sponsored by Wiley, and carries a descriptive certificate with a 200€ book voucher (redeemable for Wiley products).
The award committee will consist of one representative each from Europe, Asia and the
The award winner will be chosen solely on the basis of the poster quality in terms of scientific relevance and its presentation during the poster session. No additional application is necessary.
2009 ITS Scientific and Applied Awards
The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the 2009 ITS Scientific and Applied Awards.
The awards are sponsored by The International Thermoelectrics Society (ITS) and carry a cash price of $500 US dollars each as well as a Descriptive Certificate. The 2009 awards will be presented at the Banquet of the 28th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and the 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2009), July 26 – 30, in Freiburg, Germany.
With the exception of invited papers, the best ‘Scientific’ and ‘Application’ papers will be selected among all papers presented at the conference. The selection will be solely based on manuscripts. Authors are reminded that their manuscript(s) must be submitted by June 26th to be considered for the awards. Manuscripts submitted later than that date will not be considered for the awards. Awards are based primarily on the scientific merit, originality and clarity of the papers.
Selection Panel:
The Selection Panel will be nominated by the ICT/ECT 2009 conference chair.
The deadline for manuscripts to be considered for these awards is June 26th, see ICT/ECT homepage. For further questions please refer to contact (category ICT2009 program questions)
2009 Young Investigator and Goldsmid Award
The International Thermoelectric Society will present two special Awards at the Banquet of the 28th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and the 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2009), in Freiburg, Germany. The deadline for applications was May 1, 2009.
2009 Annual Young Investigator Award
The International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) announces the 2009 ITS Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics by a young investigator who holds a permanent position in either: academia (tenure track), industry, government lab or scientific institute (e.g. The Max Planck Institute). This award is to be given to a young researcher who has exhibited a record of excellent original work and significant results in the field of thermoelectrics or thermoelectric materials. The recipient should have shown significant research in the early stages of his/her career.
The award is sponsored by The International Thermoelectrics Society (ITS) and carries a cash prize of two thousand dollars ($2000 in US currency) and a Descriptive Certificate. The 2009 award will be presented at the Banquet of the 28th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and the 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2009), July 26-30, in Freiburg, Germany.
In addition, the recipient of the ITS Young Investigator Award will be given an invited talk at the ICT & ECT 2009 in order to highlight the research leading to the award.
The candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. Degree and be actively engaged in theoretical, experimental, synthesis or device research in the field of thermoelectrics. The candidates must be in a tenure track faculty position or employed in a stable position in industry, a government lab or scientific institute (e.g. The Max Planck Institute). It is expected that they should have been in this position at least two years. However, contributions and productivity for the full five years will be considered. Postdoctoral researchers or temporary industrial positions are not eligible. The candidates must be within 5 years of receiving their Ph.D. as of June 1st of the year of the nomination.
The ITS Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Research in Thermoelectrics is intended for truly exceptional contributions to the field for a five-year period following the nominee’s Ph.D. The ITS Young Investigator Award is intended to be an annual award. However, in the event of the lack of applications that the ITS Board or Award Selection Committee views as meeting the expectations for this award, then no award will be given that year.
An Award Selection Panel who will consider the afore mentioned eligibility criteria will choose the winner from among the applicants:
A nomination letter is required. A full resume of the candidate and highlighting the contributions justifying the nomination is also required. Three letters of reference are required in addition to the nomination letter. None of the letters should exceed two pages.
The work will not be judged as part of their Ph.D. thesis but work that occurred after their Ph.D. research. The work may be a continuation of their Ph.D., but significant new contributions and findings will be required. The selection committee will be considering only original work and contributions.
Journal Articles with publication dates, acceptance dates or submission dates within the 60 months preceding the June 1st cutoff date. Therefore for the 2009 award the period of consideration is May 31st, 2004 through June 1st, 2009.
Presentations at local, national and international meetings as well as invited seminars and colloquia in the same time period will be considered.
Other awards or recognition will also be considered.
The Selection Panel will consist of the previous ITS conference chair (i.e. ICT08 Chairman for the 2009 Award) or his designee and he/she will serve as the Panel Chair. The Panel Deputy Chair will be appointed by the ITS President. The Panel Chair with the help of the Deputy Chair will nominate up to but not exceeding four other non-ITS Board members representing various geographical regions. The panel selection is accomplished through action of the ITS Board via whatever means are most convenient, most likely via email exchange.
Should be sent to the current ITS President:
Dr. Thierry Caillat, President, International Thermoelectric Society
A letter of nomination and no more than three letters of recommendation should be sent to the ITS President directly from the references and nominator. (An email attachment as a word or pdf document is preferred).
Full Resume & Highlights of the 5 years following the Ph.D.
Copies of 1st page of publications, acceptances, or submissions in the last 60 months. (Manuscripts to be submitted or in progress will not be considered.)
Titles and locale of contributed or invited presentations given in the 5-year period under consideration.
The ITS President must receive applications by:
Each panelist will rank the applications using a standardized format that will weigh in the different criteria, and will submit the results to both the Panel Chair and Deputy Chair by e-mail. Ties will be resolved by vote organized by email or by a conference call among all panelists. If there is any difficulty in the winner attending the conference the organizing committee will endeavor to aid the winner in a feasible and reasonable manner.
2009 Annual Goldsmid Award
The award is sponsored by Marlow Industries, Inc. and carries a cash prize of one thousand dollars ($1000) and a Descriptive Certificate that will be presented at the Banquet of the 28th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and the 7th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT & ECT 2009), in Freiburg, Germany.
In addition, the 2009 Award will include a US$1000 contribution to the awardee to cover travel and fees for attending ICT & ECT 2009, July 26 - 30, 2009 in Freiburg, Germany.
Ph.D. candidate graduate student holding a Master Degree or its equivalent who is actively engaged in theoretical, experimental, synthesis or device research in the field of thermoelectrics.
Criteria for selection:
The winner will be chosen from among the applicants by a Selection Panel who will consider the following items:
- Journal Articles with publication dates, acceptance dates or submission dates in the 24 months preceding the conference.
- Presentations at local, national and international meetings as well as invited seminars and colloquia in the same period.
- Letters of reference.
- Other recognition.
Selection Panel:
The 2009 Goldsmid Award Committee appointed by the ITS President will nominate up to but not exceeding six other non-ITS Board members representing various geographical regions to form the Selection Panel. The Selection Panel will review the nominations and make the final recommendation to the 2009 Goldsmid Award Committee.
Should be sent by email in a pdf file to the Committee Chair Dr. Jihui Yang,, and include:
- Letter of nomination from thesis advisor.
- Resume.
- Copies of publications, acceptances or submissions in the last 24 months. First authorship will be factored in.
- Titles and locale of presentations given in the last 24 months.
- Letters of reference (no more than 3)
The Committee Chair must receive applications by:
Applications due: May 1, 2009
Each panelist will rank the applications using a standardized format that will weigh in the different criteria, and will submit the results to the Committee Chair by e-mail. Ties will be resolved by vote organized by email or by conference call among all panelists. If there is any difficulty in the winner attending the conference the ITS will endeavor to aid the winner in any way feasible in doing so.
Applications should be emailed to:
Dr. Jihui Yang
Staff Research Scientist
Materials and Processes Lab
GM R&D Center
30500 Mound Road
MC 480106224
Warren, MI48090
Tel: 586-986-9789
Fax: 586-986-3091 (use Subject: Goldsmid Award Inquiry)