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Invited Speakers

Email: a.burkov@mail.ioffe.ru
Alexander T. Burkov
Laboratory for Physics of Thermoelements of Ioffe Institute
Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Alexander T. Burkov is Head of the Laboratory for Physics of Thermoelements of Ioffe Institute, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, doctor of science. From 1973 to 1996, and from 2000 to present time is a staff member of Ioffe Institute. From 1996 to 2000 was a professor of the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. Published more than 150 article in Russian and international scientific journals. The areas of scientific interest are: electronic transport in strongly correlated conductors, electronic transport in metallic materials at high temperatures, thermoelectric properties of materials.
Home page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/A_Burkov/info
Email: dmorelli@egr.msu.edu
Donald Morelli
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University
Michigan, USA

Donald Morelli is Professor of Materials Science at Michigan State University and Director of the MSU/DOE Energy Frontier Research Center on Revolutionary Materials for Solid State Energy Conversion (RMSSEC). Prior to joining MSU in 2007, he spent 21 years in industry (General Motors Research Laboratories and Delphi Corporation Research Labs). He is the actual President of ITS. Dr. Morelli received many Awards and published over 150 scientific papers, coauthored four book chapters and 23 U.S. patents. Research interests: semiconductors for thermoelectric energy conversion, as well as materials for thermal management; semimetals; conducting polymers; high temperature superconductors; wide and narrow band gap semiconductors and high thermal conductivity crystals.
Home page: http://www.egr.msu.edu/morelli-research/index.html
Email: georg.madsen@rub.de
Georg Kent Madsen
Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS)
Bochum, Germany

Georg Madsen is the group leader of Computational Materials Discovery at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS) is a research centre at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, since 2009. The group of Dr. Madsen is working on the development and application of electronic structure methods (modelling & Simulation). The current focus is on method development, energy materials, transport properties such as thermal and electric conductivity, and high throughput investigation search for new materials. Georg Madsen published 92 scientific papers. Research interests: Magnetocaloric and thermoelectric energy conversion materials; Martensitic Steels; Interface dominated materials properties Electronic and heat transport; Density functional theory and Tight binding.
Home page: http://www.icams.de/content/departments/cmat/
Email: felser@cpfs.mpg.de
Claudia Felser
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Dresden, Germany

Claudia Felser is the director of Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden since 2011. She is the chair of the DFG research group “New Materials with High Spin Polarization” and was the director of the Graduate School of Excellence “Materials Science in Mainz” of the German Science Foundation (DFG) from 2007-2012. Dr. Claudia Felser received many Awards and published over 400 articles and granted several patents. Her recent research focuses on the rational design of new materials for spintronics and energy technologies such as solar cells, thermoelectric materials, topological insulators and superconductors.
Home page: http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/solid_state_chemistry
Email: min@cardiff.ac.uk
Gao Min (UK)
Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University
Cardiff, United Kingdom

Gao Min is the Head of Thermoelectric Laboratory at School of Engineering, Cardiff University, UK. He obtained BSc on semiconductor physics from Xidian University in 1982 and PhD on thermoelectrics from Cardiff University in 1996. His main research interests focus on fundamental understanding of thermoelectric processes for energy harvesting applications. Gao Min has authored and co-authored one book and over 120 papers in the area of thermoelectrics. He has also served as the Programme Chairman for the 19th International Conference on Thermoelectric (2000) and, on several occasions, as an invited speaker, session chairman and scientific committee member at International and European Thermoelectric Conferences. His current research activities involve developing novel thermoelectric measurement techniques, design and fabrication of high temperature thermoelectric devices, and metal electrode dye-sensitized solar cells for hybrid PV/TE systems. Other research interests include exploring electronic tunnelling at heavy-fermion/superconductor interfaces for millikelvin cooling applications and ultrasonic milling for preparation of nanoparticles.
Home page: https://www.engin.cf.ac.uk/whoswho/profile.asp?RecordNo=227
Email: sylvie.hebert@ensicaen.fr
Sylvie Hébert
Laboratoire CRISMAT
Caen, France

Sylvie Hébert is CNRS 'Director of Research' in laboratoire CRISMAT since 2012. She obtained the PhD from laboratoire CRISMAT, in 1998, and had Postdoctoral fellows at Imperial College (1998-1999, UK) and at KULeuven (2000, Belgium). In 2000 become “Chargée de Recherche CNRS” in laboratoire CRISMAT. Dr. Sylvie Hébert has published more than 150 papers, and has been working in the field of thermoelectric materials since 2000. Between 2006 and 2010 she was the Assistant Director and after this period was the Director of the CNRS French research group on Thermoelectricity (GDR Thermoélectricité), for 4 years, with Bertrand Lenoir (IJL, Nancy). Research interests: Thermoelectric properties of oxides and chalcogenides; Transport and magnetic properties: interplay between spin/charge/lattice in transition metal oxides and chalcogenides.
Home page: http://www-crismat.ensicaen.fr/spip.php?article288&lang=fr
Email: johngstockholm@gmail.com
John G. Stockholm
Marvel Thermoelectrics
Vernouillet, Île de France, France

John Stockholm is an engineer, director of Marvel Thermoelectrics. In the 1970’s his group in Pont-à-Mousson (later Saint Gobain Group) worked with French railways to implement a 24 kW thermoelectric air conditioning in a passenger railway coach, which was operating for 10 years with no failure. In the 1980’s a thermoelectric water to water cooling system of hundreds of kW was developed and installed in a nuclear submarine. When Saint Gobain closed the thermoelectric activity, in 1989, John Stockholm started his own company: Marvel Thermoelectrics. He was the first elected President of ITS, and was on the board ITS and ETS for several years. He published 43 papers on thermoelectrics, 3 chapters in the CRC 1995 Handbook of Thermoelectrics and has translated into English, with the assistance of a Ukrainian friend, a 200 page Russian Monograph “Non-stationary processes in thermoelectric and thermomagnetic energy conversion systems” by E. K. Iordanishvili and V. P. Babin. Research interests: all applications of thermoelectricity; Development of thermoelectric materials; Potential of using transient operation in thermoelectrics; Phenomena of ultrafast conduction (claims have been made on high efficiencies, exceeding those of DC operation, but based on measurements in a workshop; he is now developing a unit to validate the measurements in laboratory).
Home page: www.marvelte.com
Email: ole.martin.lovvik@sintef.no
Ole M. Løvvik
SINTEF and Department of Physics, University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway

Ole M. Løvvik is a senior scientist at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry and adjunct professor at the Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo. Dr. Ole M. Løvvik has published around 90 papers in SCI journals.
Research interests: Atomic-scale modelling of materials from first principles, with emphasis on transport properties and various energy conversion materials. Within the field of thermoelectricity, Løvvik's main interests are related to predictions of thermoelectric properties from first principles, closely linked to experiments. This includes electronic transport properties, lattice thermal transport, doping stability, ionic diffusivity, and filtering concepts.
Home page: https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/olem/
Email: c.fanciulli@ieni.cnr.it
Carlo Fanciulli
CNR – Institute for Energetics and Interphases
Lecco, Italy

Carlo Fanciulli is a researcher, being the main activities in the energy sector. The current research activity is focused on thermoelectrics materials synthesis and processing (sintering and mechanical transformation processes) and characterization of basic thermoelectric parameters. Carlo Fanciulli published 26 scientific papers. Research interests: Main research objective is the creation of materials, nanostructured or composite, with enhanced features using techniques and processes borrowed from metallurgy: the main results are derived from the development of original techniques to achieve optimized materials at different scales.
Home page: https://www.ieni.cnr.it/it/persone/scheda/userprofile/carlo%2Cfanciulli
Email: doug@alphabetenergy.com
Douglas Crane
Alphabet Energy, Inc., Hayward
California, USA

Douglas Crane is the Director of Thermoelectric Engineering at Alphabet Energy, Inc. He is widely regarded as one of the leading engineers in the field of thermoelectrics. He served as Principal Engineer of Thermoelectric Systems/Development at Gentherm, (formerly Amerigon, Inc.). Dr. Douglas has authored many of the top patents, book chapters, peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings in the field of thermoelectrics. He was also the principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Automotive Waste Heat Recovery program at Gentherm.
Home page:
Email: christophe.candolfi@univ-lorraine.fr
Christophe Candolfi
Materials Science, Solid State Physics, University of Lorraine
Lorraine, France

C. Candolfi is Assistant Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy (ENSMN) and executes research activities in the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) in Nancy. His work focuses on thermoelectric materials, more specifically on their synthesis, their structural and chemical characterizations, and on the measurements of their transport properties at low and high temperatures. His activities further concern the optimization of the transport properties of thermoelectric materials through band structure engineering and the study of the basic physical mechanisms governing their thermal transport. Dr. Candolfi published 59 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and presented 60 communications in national and international conferences. Research interests: thermoelectric, semiconductors, thermal conductivity, electronic band structure. The research activities of the team also involve the development of thermoelectric modules with optimized thermoelectric materials.
Home page: http://ijl.univ-lorraine.fr/recherche/departement-chimie-et-physique-des-solides-et-des-surfaces-cp2s/materiaux-a-proprietes-thermoelectriques-mpt/
Email: suekuni.koichiro.063@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Koichiro Suekuni
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu Univ,
Fukuoka, Japan

Koichiro Suekuni is Assistant Professor at the Kyushu University and was before Assistant Professor at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He is being involved in the development of novel high-performance thermoelectric materials, such as transition-metal chalcogenides and cage-structured compounds, and experimental studies on the thermoelectric and magnetic properties. Koichiro Suekuni published over 60 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals. Research interests: Thermoelectrics; Thermophysical properties; Chalcogenides
Home page:
photo Umut Aydemir
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, United States

Is currently a research associate working with Prof. G. Jeffrey Snyder in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University. He received his B.Sc. in Chemistry and Physics and M.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering at Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey. He conducted his doctoral work at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, Germany studying synthesis and characterization of intermetallic clathrates with Prof. Yuri Grin. Before joining to Northwestern University, Dr. Aydemir was a postdoctoral scholar at the California Institute of Technology investigating novel thermoelectric materials. Dr. Aydemir is leading the Zintl thermoelectric group at Northwestern in collaboration with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as well as experimental part of a high-throughput thermoelectric computation project (under The Materials Project: https://materialsproject.org). His work has resulted in the publication of over 35 research papers. Research interests include synthesis and characterization of thermoelectric materials such as Zintl phases, chalcogenides, clathrates, and investigation of electrical and thermal transport properties of solids.
Home page: http://thermoelectrics.matsci.northwestern.edu/people/index.html