Abstract Submission


Reports of new work in any of the topics covered by this Conference are invited for either oral or poster presentation. Authors are requested to indicate their preference.

Please indicate whether you are submitting an oral or a poster presentation and specify in which of the following topics your work is inserted:

Section A (materials)

  • 1. Skutterudites
  • 2. Heusler-based phases
  • 3. Clathrates
  • 4. Tellurides
  • 5. Bismuth and related materials
  • 6. Zintl Phases
  • 7. Oxides
  • 8. Silicides
  • 9. Selenides and Sulfides
  • 10. Organics
  • 11. New materials
  • 12. Nanomaterials

Section B (Measuring, Theory and Optimizing)

  • 1. Measuring techniques
  • 2. Optimizing the figure of merit
  • 3. Theory and Modelling

Section C (Applications, projects and modules)

  • 1. Modules and thermoelectric generators
  • 2. Applications (general, automotive, industrial)
  • 3. Large scale TE projects

Submissions not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for acceptance as posters. Abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be informed of provisional acceptance or rejection of the contribution, as oral or poster presentation by July 5, 2016. In case your abstract is not accepted we will fully refund your fee. Abstracts submitted after May 31, 2016, will be considered as late abstracts only for poster presentations, and their acceptance will depend on available logistic.

Acceptance of the contribution will be confirmed provided that the Congress Registration Fee is paid, at least for one of the authors. Please, note that there is a limit of ONE contribution per each registered participant.

The instructions for abstract submission are identical for oral and poster presentations. Please use the Microsoft Word downloadable template Abstract Submission Form (clicking here), rename it as “abstract_name.doc” (name = presenting author name, eg. abstract_einstein.doc) and follow the instructions given below.

  • The text should describe in a clear and concise way the work to be presented. References are indicated in the text by Arabic numbers between square brackets [1] and should be listed at the end of the text using standard Science Citation Index format. Please indicate whether you are submitting an oral or a poster presentation.

Submit the Microsoft Word file containing the abstract as an attachment to the e-mail address abs.ect2016@ctn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt, with Subject ECT2016, before May 31, 2016.


Information available soon.


Information available soon.