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The Section of Alternative Methods of Refrigeration
We are pleased to inform you that the Board of the International Academy of
Refrigeration (IAR) passed the resolution to start a new section of THERMOELECTRIC COOLING
AND MATERIALS in the framework of the Academy at its session on October 19, 1996.
The International Academy of Refrigeration Board charged me with carrying out
arrangements to recruit collective and individual members into the Section of
Thermoelectric Cooling and Materials of the IAR.
The International Academy of Refrigeration Section of Thermoelectric Cooling and
Materials pursues the following objectives:
- Initiating a database (with various accesses to countries, organizations, enterprises
and firms) which is to include information on investigation, development, designing and
manufacture of:
 | thermoelectric materials for thermoelectric cooling, |
 | thermoelectric refrigerating modules, |
 | various thermoelectric refrigerators, heat pumps, air conditioners and other units,
instruments and devices. |
Technically and economically comparing thermoelectric materials, cooling modules and
thermoelectric cooling devices which are being proposed by various organizations and
Notifying the branches of science, engineering, industry, power engineering, transport,
environmental control, etc., where cooling various objects thermoelectrically is more
promising; searching organizations and firm-customers that need both stating and solving
problems of cooling thermoelectrically.
Marketing industrial and domestic thermoelectric refrigerators, heat pumps, air
conditioners and other competitive produce, promoting their sale in various countries.
Spreading the idea of advisability of materially expanding thermoelectric cooling as
highly reliable and ecologically pure technique among manufacturers, scientists and
engineers of wide range; it is especially important in the light of CFCs/ozone layer
issues (Vienna Convention 1985, Montreal Protocol 1987) and the intention of banning CFCs
use since January 1, 1996.
Upholding the conception of thermoelectric cooling when national scientific-technical
programs are arranged, implying the International Academy of Refrigeration participation,
e.g. the Russian nationwide program "Refrigeration - for National Economy".
Organizing graduate and postgraduate education on thermoelectric cooling and materials.
Continually reporting the information (including that on refrigerating and cryogenic
machine manufacturing) to be contained in the International Academy of Refrigeration
databases to the members of the Section of Thermoelectric Cooling and Materials, as well
as to the members of other sections.
Disseminating the information about scientific-technical conferences, workshops,
exhibitions, competitions, grants in the field of refrigerating engineering and
technologies; assisting the Section of Thermoelectric Cooling and Materials members in
integrating into the community of refrigerationists and cryogenic specialists.
We invite your organization (company) to join the International Academy of
Refrigeration, Section of Thermoelectric Cooling and Materials as a collective member, as
well as to consider the issue of nominating candidates to become individual members of the
The profile of the International Academy of Refrigeration is enclosed.
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation. For further information,
please, contact me any time.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Lev P. Bulat
St.Petersburg State Academy of Refrigeration,
Lomonosova Str., 9, St.Petersburg, 191002,
Phone: +7 (812) 164-7149.
Fax: +7 (812) 315-3778.
E-mail: bulat@lb4443.spb.edu