Deadline for Conference
  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 25, 2016
  • Deadline for Early Registration: April 15, 2016
  • Deadline for Hotel Reservation: April 20, 2016

Announcement of AAT Summer School

Announcement of AAT Summer School


    The materials science and engineering of thermoelectricity play key roles in realizing high-efficiency direct heat-to-electricity conversion. A summer school will be organized by the Asian Association on Thermoelectrics (AAT) as a pre-conference event of ICT2016 in Wuhan, in order to provide both beginners and younger researchers with a short course on basic science and technologies of thermoelectricity. This tutorial will broadly cover theories on electrical/thermal transports, new phenomena/concepts, and also address designing devices and systems for practical applications. All students, younger researchers, and beginners under the auspice of AAT are encouraged to apply for the slots allotted to each body society in China, Japan, and Korea (20 slots each). The extra slots (about 20) will be booked on a “first-come, first-served” basis. The detailed program will be announced as soon as it is finalized.


Time: May 29, 2016, 10:00-15:30

Location: Wanda Reign Hotel Wuhan 2F, Hong Kong Room

Registration fee: Free for students and researchers from universities and public organizations; 100 USD per person for those from companies.

Total capacity: around 80 slots

Application: Dr. Shan Zheng ( or organizers


Lidong Chen (Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS, China,

Takao Mori (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan,

Wonseon Seo (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering Technology, Korea,