International Conference on Thermoelectrics August 3-7, 2008 Corvallis, Oregon
About ICT 2008: The annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics is the premier annual meeting in this field. Traditionally it has been held in North America, Europe and Asia in alternate years. The 2007 conference was held in Korea and next year’s conference will be held in Freiburg, Germany.
Join over 300 leaders in the thermoelectric field, including industry and national laboratory researchers, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and company leaders to discuss the latest material research advances, new device designs and achievements, and commercialization opportunities for thermoelectric materials and devices.
Presentations are solicited across a broad spectrum of topics pertinent to thermoelectric materials and devices including: • Cooling applications of thermoelectric devices • Oxide thermoelectric materials • Waste heat recovery • Thermal conductivity of nanostructured materials • Device performance and characterization • Nanostructured thermoelectric materials • Nanoscale material characterization • Power applications of thermoelectric devices • Novel thermoelectric compounds • Thin film thermoelectric devices • Theoretical approaches to new thermoelectric materials • Characterization of bulk and thin film materials • Clathrates, skutterudites and half-Heusler alloys
Click here for more information about REGISTRATION for the Conference
ICT 2008 is being hosted in the beautiful college town of Corvallis Oregon, on the campus of Oregon State University. Corvallis is located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, Oregon’s beautiful and historic agriculture country. Just one hour to the West visit the Pacific Ocean with Oregons pristine coastline. To the east visit mountains and forests that feature world class fishing and hiking. The area's natural wonders make it ideal for sightseers and outdoor enthusiasts. For more information about the area please visit the Travel/Lodging page.
About ONAMI: ONAMI provides unprecedented collaboration among Oregon's research universities. It is in this spirit of collaboration that we invite you to participate in this conference. ONAMI is the first Oregon Signature Research Center. A cooperative venture among government and world-class nanoscience and microtechnology R&D institutions and industry in the Northwest, ONAMI was created to cultivate research and commercialization to advance the leading economic sector in Oregon, and expand the benefits of technology innovation to traditional and natural resource industries.
ONAMI's community of world-class industry, academic and federal research institutions in the Pacific Northwest forms a vibrant network of nanoscience and microtechnology expertise that is moving nanoscience and microtechnology innovations from basic research through to commercialization