XVII International Conference on Thermoelectrics
(ICT98 Nagoya)

May 24-28, 1998
(note: starts May 24, not May 25)
Nagoya Trade & Industry Center, Japan

2nd Announcement and Final Call for Abstracts
(click here to see the First Announcement)

Conference Topics
Call for Papers
Abstract Preparation
Post-conference Excursion
Conference Fee

Key Dates
Organizing Committee
Program Committe
International Advisory Committee

Preregistration and Request Form
Key Dates

Organized by
International Thermoelectric Society
Supported by
Aichi Prefectural Government
City of Nagoya
Nagoya University

Dear Participants:

I am writing to let you know that the extension of the XVII International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ICT98, has been determined. The conference will be held in Nagoya from May 24 to 28, 1998, not from May 25 to 28.

This decision will make it possible for more people to participate and make presentations.

I look forward to your participation in the conference, and hope you will have an enjoyable stay in Nagoya.

Kunihito KOUMOTO
Chairman, Organizing Committe

Conference Topics

ICT98 will provide a forum for presenting and discussing the following topics related to thennoelectric energy conversion:

Call for Papers

Contributed papers for oral and poster presentation are invited for the above-listed conference topics. Review papers covering topics of cunent interest are also welcome. Papers will be selected through a reference process, and all papers selected and presented at the conference will be included in the Conference Proceedings. The official language for the conference is English.

Abstract Preparation

Abstracts should be submitted no later than January 20, 1998, using the Abstract Form enclosed with this announcement.

Note: The Abstract Form is not avialable online and must be requested from the conference Secretariat. But you may use the online Request Form to request the Abstract Form.

Abstract length should be about 200 words. Each abstract should include title, authors' names and affiliations. The presenting author should be underlined. State in the abstract the motivation for the work, the approach, and summarize the results and conclusions.

Please specify whether you prefer oral or poster presentation; the final decision will be made by the program committee.

Conference Schedule

The technical program of the conference will be arranged from Monday to Thursday. The first morning will be plenary sessions with invited lectures on selected topics. In the technical sessions that follow not only contributed butalso invited papers will be presented. A panel discussion will also be held. For both oral and poster presentations, Best Paper Awards will be given to young scientists at the end of the conference.

The Evening Seminar will be held on Tuesday evening. The seminar features speeches by illustrious scientists, who have contributed greatly to the thermoelectric science and technology. They will give us lectures on the past, present and future of thermoelectrics.

The social program will include a Welcome Reception on Sunday evening, a Mixer on Monday, a Banquet on Wednesday and a Farewell Party on Thursday.

In addition, sightseeing tours during the conference will be organized for accompanying guests.

The Post-conference Excursion will be held on Friday, after the close of the Conference.

Post-conference Excursion

Participants in the Post-conference Excursion will visit the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) , and a traditional workshop for Japanese Paper (Washi) in Mino City and Tempering Japanese Sword in Seki City, and enjoy cormorant-fishing on a boat.

The course and fee are shown below. If you wish to participate in the Excursion, please apply to the Secretariat using the enclosed Registration Form.

Note: The Registration Form is not avialable online and must be requested from the conference Secretariat. But you may use the online Request Form to request the Registration Form.

Schedule : May 29 (Friday) 1998, 8:30 - 21:30

Fee : 10,000¥ (Bus transportation, Lunch and Dinner included)


An exhibition featuring the latest devices and products of thermoelectric companies as well as products and equipment related to thermoelectricity will run for the full duration of the conference.

Separate invitations will be sent to all companies and institutions which may be interested in contributing to the exhibition. If you would like an outline of the exhibition, please contact the Secretariat.


Nagoya Trade & Industry Center
2-6-3, Fukiage, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464, Japan

The city of Nagoya, the nucleus of central Japan, is an industrial metropolis built upon 380 years an of history and cultural heritage. The area in and around the City contains a large number of high-tech industries with names known worldwide, such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Sony, NOK, Noritake, etc.

Nagoya enjoys a temperate climate; agriculture flourishes on the fertile plains surrounding the City. Its central location, made old Nagoya a transportation crossroads, is still an advantage for Nagoya's visitors today. Nagoya is close to an abundance of sightseeing locations From the beautiful seashores of Ise-Shima and Mikawa Bay to the majestic mountains of the Hida region, and the Japan Alps... all are within easy reach of Nagoya. Japan's systematic transportation network provided links to major cities (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, etc.) in a couple of hours.

The climate in Nagoya in late May is generally pleasant; springtime attire is comfortable. Temperature range is in the low 20's (Celsius).


Participants are requested to complete the enclosed Registration Form and to return it to the Secretariat. Early registration is strongly recommended. Please send the registration form with declaration of remittance of the Conference fee.

Note: The Registration Form is not avialable online and must be requested from the conference Secretariat. But you may use the online Request Form to request the Registration Form.

Conference Fee

April 23, 1998
On or After
April 24, 1998
Regular ¥50,000 ¥60,000
Students ¥15,000 ¥25,000
Accompanying Person ¥25,000 ¥35,000

*Regular fee includes Proceedings, Welcome Reception, Mixer, Banquet and Farewell Party.
*Student fee includes Proceedings, Welcome Reception and Farewell Party .
*The fee of accompanying person includes Welcome Reception, Mixer, Banquet and Farewell Party.


If you need to obtain a visa to participate in this conference, the Secretariat will prepare a Personal Guarantee (reason for entry) Letter and your Schedule in Japan, to assist your visa acquisition.

If you require the above mentioned documents, please notify the Secretariat as soon as possible.


A sufficient number of rooms will be available at the special discounted rates. The room rate includes breakfast, service charge and tax.


  Single Twin Twin/single use
Nagoya Tokyu Hotel ¥14,500 ¥25,000 ¥18,000
Nagoya Inter-national Hotel ¥11,500 ¥21,000 ¥15,500
Nagoya Fuji Park Hotel ¥10,500 ¥18,400 ¥14,500
Park Side Hotel ¥7,000 ¥12,000  

Please fill in the enclosed Hotel Application Form and return it to the address given in the form.

Note: The Hotel Application Form is not avialable online and must be requested from the conference Secretariat. But you may use the online Request Form to request the Hotel Application Form.

Key Dates

Deadline for Abstracts
Abstract Acceptance
Final Announcement & Instruction for Authors
Deadline for Full Paper
January 20, 1998
February, 1998
February, 1998
May 26, 1998

Organizing Committee
K. Kournoto (Nagoya University) Chairman
S. Yamaguchi (National Institute for Fusion Science)
K. Kuwabara (Nagoya University)
W. S. Seo (Nagoya University)
Program Committee
S. Yamaguchi (National Institute for Fusion Science) Chairman
T. Goto (Tohoku University)
T. Koyanagi (Yamaguchi University)
T. Ohia (Electro Technical Laboratory)
A. Tsutsumi (University of Tokyo)
International Advisory Committee
J.P. Flenrial (USA)
A. Heinrich (Germany)
T. Kajikawa (Japan)
T. Matsuura (Japan)
O. Sakata (Japan)
J. Stockholm (France)
M.V. Vedernikov (Russia)
C. B. Vining (USA)

H. J. Goldsmid (Australia)
A. Iiyoshi (Japan)
K. Matsubara (Japan)
O. Motojima (Japan)
D. M. Rowe (UK)
H. Scherrer (France)
G. A. Slack (USA)
K. I. Uernura (Japan)


Kunihito Koumoto


Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-01, JAPAN
TEL: +81-52-789-3327 / FAX: +81-52-789-3201
E-mail: g44233a@nucc.cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Satarou Yamaguchi

Program Chairman

National Institute for Fusion Science
Oroshi-eho 322-6, Toki, Gifu, 509-52, JAPAN
TEL: +81-572-58-2154/ FAX : +81-572-58-2154
E-mail: yamaguch@LHD.nifs.ac.jp
Secretariat, ICT98

Please send your Registration Form and Abstract Form to:

Secretariat, ICT98
c/u Inter Group Corp.
3F Sakae East Bldg., 4-2-7, Sakae, Naka-ku
Nagoya, 460, JAPAN
TEL: +81-52-263-6334/FAX: +81-52-263-6298
E-mail: ignagoya@po.iijnet.or.jp

This page was last updated on April 17, 2002