Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit a manuscript for the ECT 2013 Conference Proceedings by
28 October 2013. The proceedings will be published by Springer and will be made available online to conference participants.
The following rules apply to the publication of the proceedings:
- Papers that are not presented at the conference (oral or poster) will not be included in the proceedings
- It is not allowed to change the title of your paper in comparison to the accepted abstract
- All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and a selected number of manuscripts will be published separately in a special issue of the Journal of Electronic Materials.
The authors are traditionally encouraged to use their best judgement to limit the size of their manuscript to 4 pages in order to limit the size of the proceedings.
For guidelines on the preparation of the manuscript, please follow this link: and click on “Instructions for Authors” on the right-hand side of the page.
For submission of the manuscript, please follow this link: and select the category ECT 2013. Registration
All authors should be registered to the conference by
7 October 2013 in order to confirm their presentation and gain access to ESTEC. On-line registration is
available here.
Poster Presenters
Posters can have a maximum dimension of 1.2m wide and 1.8m high.
It will be your own responsibility to mount your poster, and to remove it at the end of the session. Pins to hang your poster will be provided at the registration desk.
Oral Presenters
All oral presenters are required to submit their biography via the form available below.