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General Session of the International Academy of Refrigeration -
by Lev Bulat
The General Session of the International Academy of Refrigeration was
held in St.Petersburg, Russia on April 20-21, 1999. More than 400 scientists and
engineers, organizers and leaders of enterprises participated the Session. Members of our
Section of Alternative Methods of Refrigeration also attended the Meeting. The Session was
combined with the International Conference LAlternative Technologies in Food Industry¦.
The complete information about the International Academy of Refrigeration and about the
Section of Alternative Methods of Refrigeration one can found at http://www.zts.com/iar.
It was ballot 4 new members of the of the International Academy of
Refrigeration, Section of Alternative Methods of Refrigeration. We congratulate new
members of the Academy!
Honorary Member:
- Dr. E. M. Sher, St. Petersburg, Russia, Ioffe Physics-Technical Institute, Leading
Real Members:
- Dr. E. A. Izupak, St. Petersburg, Russia, GUNPP TFP LOSTERM-SPb, Director.
- Professor, Dr. Hubert Scherrer, Nancy, France, Ecole Des Mines.
Correspondent Member:
- Dr. L.M.Gladkikh, St. Petersburg, Russia, MGNPP LOSTERM, Director.
- Prof. Lev P. Bulat
- Head of the Section of Alternative Methods of Refrigeration,
- International Academy of Refrigeration
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- Professor Lev P. Bulat
- Head of EE Dept.
- St. Petersburg State Academy of Refrigeration
- Lomonosova St. 9, St. Petersburg, 191002, Russia
- Tel. +7 812 164 7149. Fax +7 812 315 3778
- E-mail: bulat@lb4443.spb.edu
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