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General Session of the International Academy of
Refrigeration - 2003
by Lev Bulat
General Session of the International Academy of Refrigeration - 2003
by Lev Bulat
The General Session of the International Academy of Refrigeration -
2003 will be held on April 22-23, 2003 in St. Petersburg State University of
Refrigeration and Food Engineering, Russia. All members of the Section for
Alternative Methods of Refrigeration of the IAR are invited. We plan to
organize a workshop on April 23 to discuss trends of thermoelectric cooling
and application.
The Session will focus on the future of refrigeration,
air-conditioning, cryogenics and food technologies. The election of new
individual members of the IAR will also occur at the Session. The deadline
for individual member's Applications is March 17, 2003. The Applications can
be sent by e-mail, by fax or by regular mail. The Application Form and
complete information about the International Academy of Refrigeration and
about the Section are presented at http://www.zts.com/iar/.
For future information contact please
Prof. Lev P. Bulat
Head of the Section for Alternative Methods of Refrigeration,
International Academy of Refrigeration
Lomonosova St., 9, St. Petersburg, 191002, Russia
Phone: 7 (812) 315-2958; 7 (812) 164-7149.
Fax: 7 (812) 315-3778.
E-mail: lbulat@mail.ru