ZT Services Guestbook
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Excellent site, some inventors resources & links can also be found at IP&R
Inventors Publishing & Research <invent21@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, ca USA - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 17:14:34 (EDT)

This is a very nice place !
Protector 1uno <spavle@nightmail.com>
Gospic, Li Croatia - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 00:38:36 (EDT)

I am surprised to see that the 'science 'is so far advanced.
I am a student in Environmental Management at Southampton Institute and would appreciate any advice / help / comments
Many thanks
Roy N South <roysouth@x-stream.co.uk>
southampton, uk - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 14:15:35 (EDT)

I am interested in low cost application of thermoelectrics for consumer / small scale industrial use. Would be glad to receive inputs for practical suggestions to this end.
The site is interesting, in that it offers a common meeting ground for all those interested in thermoelectrics.
Harsh Nigam <nigamsameer@mailcity.com>
Bhopal, MP India - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 07:14:36 (EDT)

Hello, everybody:
This website is very helpful.
I would like to take a chance from being here to say I am looking for a job in thermoelectric field at any locations.
I have 25 years of outstanding experiences in crystal growing, making elements, module assembling, testing, application design etc. All of them in thermoelectrics.
I used to work for most successful thermoelectric companies.
Many patents, publications, some books.
Leon Cork <vniit@aol.com>
Torrance, CA USA - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 18:28:29 (EDT)

My name is Gokmen Ozonur.Iam university student.I am preparing
a project about of thermoelectric cooler.I am trying to find
is this cooler is used for coolind microprocessor or not.
Is there anyone help me
Gokmen Ozonur <gozonur@yahoo.com>
adana, Turkey - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 03:10:40 (EDT)

This is a very nice web site for those who are interested in thermoelectric module .
Chen-Yeh Wang <a5611392@ms43.hinet.net>
Shan-kang, Taichung Taiwan - Monday, March 27, 2000 at 09:39:25 (EST)

What a great spot for information on thermoelectric technology
Isopad <Melcor@isopad.nl>
Wijk bij duurstede, The Netherlands - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 08:29:40 (EST)

A very good day to Everybody! Currently, I would like to share and to learn more on TEC (thermoelectric Cooler)> Especially, TEC used in the optical fiber laser module. If anyone is keen in sharing their experience in this field,
please do not hesitate to drop me a mail. And we can start from there. Bye!
Christopher Han solo <christopher_han@nissei.com.sg>
Singapore - Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 00:52:07 (EST)

A very good day to Everybody! Currently, I very to share and to learn more on TEC (thermoelectric Cooler)> Especially, use in the optical fiber laser module. If anyone is keen in sharing their experience in this field,
please do not hesitate to drop me a mail. And we can start from there. Bye!
Christopher Han solo <christopher_han@nissei.com.sg>
Singapore - Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 00:48:41 (EST)

I am very much intrested in marketing&selling the THERMOELECTRIC apllications.As I am really living in a tropical country where "TEC" products can be well etablished.
If anybody ( Manufacturer ) is interesting in distributors
for THERMO-COOLING products Pl.contact me via e-mail {vasant@vdnh.relline.ru}Also I can help you to get the TEC modules of diffirent ranges ( sigle stage/vultistage/vicro stage/snow ball)of high quality.
With regards
Balan <vasant@vdnh.relline.ru>
Moscow, Moscow Russia - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 04:16:08 (EST)

We manufacture thermoelectric modules for cooling and power generation in China. Our modules are reliable and high performance. We also provide the heat exhcanger solution like heat pipe and bonded fin heat sink. For detail, please look at our site:http://www.sitechina.com/thermoelectric/home.html
henry <henry@sitechina.com>
Xiamen, China - Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 03:51:20 (EST)

Greetings, I'm researching the peltier device for a possible new use in the home.
I'm not yet ready to go public with it yet, as I'm still gathering information on
how to maximixe the hot/cold sides without burnung up the unit.
John Holly <john93062@aol.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, November 19, 1999 at 13:09:13 (EST)

Hi! I'm currently making a research on thermoelectric refrigeration. Can anyone of you out there share with me more information, articles and updates regarding this topic?
Edmund Subade <e.subade@eudoramail.com>
Manila, Philippines - Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 06:47:58 (EDT)

Visiting your site to read about Peltier Junctions.
Joe Hanyok <jehanyok@stratos.net>
Chardon, Oh USA - Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 23:21:14 (EDT)

Hi, I am looking for a supplier of Bismuth Telluride, doped P & N (with Antimony)for Thermoelectric
use. I want to the sample material(themoelectric).who anyone could send it to me?
My address:
Turkish Telekom Arge Mud.
Ahlatlibel Ankara
Sakir SEZER <sakirs@arge.telekom.gov.tr>
Ankara, TR TURKEY - Thursday, July 01, 1999 at 04:42:40 (EDT)

Thermoelectric Cooling Interest for computers & semiconductors
Frank S. Gailie <fgailie@orn.net>
Middletown, NYNY USA Zip10940 - Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 02:09:56 (EDT)

RANDALL C MARSH <evans1@caveman.net>
LOVING, NM USA - Friday, May 21, 1999 at 14:37:27 (EDT)

LOVING, NM USA - Friday, May 21, 1999 at 14:36:48 (EDT)

LOVING, NM USA - Friday, May 21, 1999 at 14:36:04 (EDT)

Hi Dr Ralph Schoeneborm-Germany,
This is a response to your posting of May 5,1999
1) I am not familiar with the thermoelectric kerosene lamp you mentioned, however I worked in thermoelectrics for 23yrs, beginning at 3M Co, circa, 1963.
2) A few years prior to my arrival the thermoelecric group, under the direction of a Dr. Fritts, developed a similar product using lead telluride materials.
3) It was called the "Aztec", and the idea was to sell them the world over for powering a small radio in underdeveloped areas.
4) I know where there is one of these lamps.
5) Many of the people who could help you are either retired or deceased.
6) In that period, I also saw a crudely constructed Chinese theromelectric generator, and I believe that they were also engaged in this type of activity during the late 50's early 60's.
7) You, and the younger generation who are interested in thermoelectics, will find (perhaps to your surprise) that the literature is full of ideas (devices, etc) using thermoelectrics (Seebeck and Peltier).
8) The 50's and 60's were heady days for thermoelectrics, with a substantial amount of time and money going into material reasearch and hardware development.
9) Ideas and patents were every day occurances.
10) Sometime in the early-to-mid'60's the reality hit home that the advancements in material efficiencies so heavily promoted (infact over prompted) in the 50's were not going to happen. This overpromotion, in America anyway, server to hurt thermoelectics more then it helped the technology, and is what caused the lull in activity beginning in circa 1970, shortly after the lunar landing.
11) By the late 60's and early 70's many of the large American companies, begin to scale back their thermoelectric efforts, and eventually many of them phased them out entirely.
12) Sometime around 1965, 3M also developed a thermoelectric
stove for the US Army under the ARPA program. The converter sat on top of the fire-box and the heat from the fire rose up the stack which was the hot side of the converter. The device worked well.
13) So much for now. I wish you luck in you search!
Layne Wilson
Layne Wilson <http://www.lasow.hotmail.com>
Bassano, Alberta Canada - Sunday, May 09, 1999 at 18:11:13 (EDT)

As collector of old oil and kerosene lamps, I bought a lamp which is of Russian origin and has for function not only to make light but also is equipped with big thermolements around the chimney.
My question is now if anyone could help me in identifying this lamp concerning his age and inventor. In an older polish publication about 1960 I found a picture of the lamps but no description of its construction period or other technical data.
Therefor my question to the specilalist.
Did you know anything about this type of use thermoelements in junction with a kerosene lamp.
Thank you for your efforts
Dr. Ralph Schoeneborn
Dr. Ralph Schoeneborn <rasc0003@stud.uni-sb.de>
Germany - Wednesday, May 05, 1999 at 02:29:52 (EDT)

Would like to have your help to develop PEM Fuel Cell cooling
system for automobile application, using thermoelectric
power generator. Kindly respond at 973 740 0075. My Email is
vithal_patel@hotmail.com thanks. Vithal Patel.
May, 4th 1999.
Vithal Patel <vithal_patel@hotmail.com>
Livingston, NJ USA - Tuesday, May 04, 1999 at 20:40:19 (EDT)

Cronin B. Vining <vining.@zts.com>
USA - Saturday, May 01, 1999 at 16:28:53 (EDT)

I am looking for a supplier of Bismuth Telluride, doped P & N (with Antimony)for
Thermoelectric use. This material is a pulled crystalline material typically in 1 inch
ingots. Do you supply this material, or know of anyone who does.
Steve Scott
Steve Scott <sscott@memsinc.com>
Fremont, CA USA - Monday, March 29, 1999 at 13:54:55 (EST)

When you are done here, please consider visiting the International Thermoelectric Society site at http://www.its.org/ and their online directory at http://www.its.org/dir/
Cronin B. Vining <webmaster@zts.com>
Auburn, AL USA - Friday, February 26, 1999 at 07:47:03 (EST)

Cronin, hi!
I am glad you did it. Alex told me about this. keep in touch, ed
ed shapiro <edosan@aol.com>
lexington, ma USA - Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 16:52:13 (EST)

None as yet
Edward A. Sweezzey <eas@cyberia.com>
Spring Grove, Pa USA - Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 13:59:57 (EST)

My name is Antonio and I'm and university student from
Vilanova i la Geltru and and our ('cause I'm not alone)
End Of Carrier Work is about Peltier Cells.
It's the firs time I visit this page but I think I'll do
more often.
Antonio <ei47644096@est.etseib.upc.es>
Barcelona, spain - Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 08:28:11 (EST)

People from othe research area can contribute a lot also on improve the ZT value using novel methodology.
Sophie Huang <yhuang218@aol.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Thursday, February 04, 1999 at 12:12:41 (EST)

I'm sorry I blew up your Guestbook Script Dr. Vining...
This site is fantastic, and so it the sister site at ITS.
A Thermoelectriticy Resource like this will benefit the
advancement of Thermoelectricity Science and Engineering,
and significantly reduce the research effort needed to
find the facts and get directly to forefront of this field.
Thomas Lee Elifritz <elifritz@atlantic.net>
Madison, WI USA - Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 20:35:44 (EST)

The Guestbook grew so large our script couldn't handle it!
So, we started a new one. Please add your comments to this
page by clicking here .
Or, view the previous pages of the guestbook by
clicking here . Thanks!
Cronin B. Vining <vining@zts.com>
Auburn, AL USA - Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 16:21:10 (EST)