Thank you for visiting ZT Services. Please Add to this guestbook we are keeping! (You may have to "reload" to see comments you just added).
Lots of great information
Bella Bloom <bgerman@uclink>
Berkeley, CA USA - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 12:34:47 (EST)
We make Single Board Computers - hope someone can suggest where I can find CPU coolerswithout fans.
Fred Fischer <>
Hazlet, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 11:21:52 (EST)
Hello everybody! I have engaged in reseaching and developing TEC and TEG for manyyears. I am glad to interchange experiences with all friends here.
Jiangzhong Zhang <>
Tianjin, Ch CHINA - Friday, March 06, 1998 at 22:18:15 (EST)
I am very glad to find this site.
Kaixuan Huo <>
Toyama, Japan - Friday, March 06, 1998 at 05:01:52 (EST)
This is a good web site about thermoelectricity. My colleague and I are all like it. Wehope it will be changed batter.
Lihong Zhu <>
Tianjin, P. R. of China - Thursday, February 26, 1998 at 23:49:54 (EST)
ITE is a young company who has developed a patented pending technology which improvesthe efficiency of common thermoelectric materials. based on the new technology, thecompany has developed a new 50% more efficient thermoelectric generator module. lookingfor strategic partnership.
Ofer Karsenty <>
Beer-Sheva, Israel - Tuesday, February 17, 1998 at 09:01:15 (EST)
Excellent site. Looking forward to learning much more about TEGs from here.
Peter Strong <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire England - Saturday, January 24, 1998 at 11:51:32 (EST)
Found this site to be very interesting and useful. I may have missed it in this sitebut there is an informative J. of Chemical Education article by Winder,Ellis, and Lisenskyon thermoelectric devices. It is basic but might be useful for those not familiar with thefield. The reference is:
Bob Ryan <>
Houston, Tx USA - Sunday, January 04, 1998 at 15:55:53 (EST)
I am a research student doing some research in Thermoelectric heat exchangers. I wassurfing on the net to find some useful sites.I was amzed to see your web site which islike a encyclopedia. I think it will be really helpful for me. Thank you.
El Paso, TX USA - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 18:17:46 (EST)
Do you have any interest in joining a network of not-for-profit environmentalorganizations developing a clean energy index? If so, we are trying to link as many as wecan. My name is Howard Konicov, the network is called A4EC, and I am the ExecutiveDirector of a small environmental 501(c)(3) called the Synthesis Foundation. Also I am analumni of IU's School of Public and Environmental Affairs. There is no cost involved tojoining, just a growing number of environmentalists with a good idea and a vision to makeour energy dollars count for something. Thank you for your time, Howard ps: we have some information at www.impactonline.orgunder the heading "The Synthesis Foundation" under environmental organizations,our in house web site is still under development.
Howard Konicov <>
USA - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 12:13:51 (EST)
Happy Holidays, and thanks for everyone's interest and support!
Cronin B. Vining <>
Auburn, AL USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 12:32:55 (EST)
What a great spot for information on thermoelectric technology.
Robert L. Farley <
Bloomfield, NM USA - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 10:49:45 (EST)
What a great spot for information on thermoelectic technology.
Robert L. Farley <
Bloomfield, NM USA - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 10:48:18 (EST)
Just a test to make sure this still works. I've changed some things about the sitelately.
Cronin B. Vining <>
Auburn, AL USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 07:29:06 (EDT)
We can supply reasonable cheap high purity metals (Te 99.999; Sb 99.995; Bi 99.999%) primarily developed for the thermoelectric market. Josef Koritta
Josef Koritta <>
Prague, Czech Republic - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 10:56:08 (EDT)
user of tec devices
jack thompson
springfield, mo USA - Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 22:49:13 (EDT)
looking for opportunities to enhance thermal collection in new thermalelectricdesigns.
steve otto <>
Minneapolis, mn USA - Tuesday, August 05, 1997 at 19:43:36 (EDT)
Providing venture capital to individuals or firms in the semiconductor industry.Looking for innovative start-ups and cutting edge technologies. Let me know what you aredoing. Concultant, T.R. Winston & Company, Inc.
Reid Bundonis <>
Bedminster, NJ USA - Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 13:42:30 (EDT)
I'm yet searching for a cheap (perhaps Fe-Si, Si, or Si-Ge based) thermoelectricgenerator for a mass product (see my former message below), but now I´ve changed mye-mail. Any help or comment, please e-mail me to this new one.
Marco Falquete <>
Curitiba, PR Brazil - Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 11:01:08 (EDT)
New to TEC
G. Nash <>
Irving, TX USA - Saturday, July 12, 1997 at 01:59:52 (EDT)
I am interested in researching on thermoelectric cooler system. I am lookinginformation about peltier modules and high purity metarials( Te,Bi,Se,Sb)for thethermoelectric markets. Thanks all thinks.
sakir sezer <>
Ankara, TURKEY - Friday, July 11, 1997 at 04:08:43 (EDT)
This is a web site with full of informations sources. What a great help forthermoelectric engineering development!
Chen Lap Yuan, Robert <>
, Hong Kong - Sunday, July 06, 1997 at 04:50:32 (EDT)
This site is what I have looked for. I'm glad to join this site.
Dong Kyoo Choi <
Suwon, Kyeongki-Do Korea - Tuesday, June 24, 1997 at 23:00:18 (EDT)
I am interested in building thermoelectric system in a household appliances I amvery glad to join this web-site. Thank you !
Zvonko Visnjic <>
Velenje, Slovenia - Tuesday, June 10, 1997 at 03:13:20 (EDT)
Stumbled on site while surfing. From first glance, it looks like this is a good sitefor finding facts on thermal enhancements of our equipment.
H. Bruce Jackson <>
State College, PA USA - Wednesday, June 04, 1997 at 14:36:59 (EDT)
Am very excited about discovering the site. I have recently completed my Solar Laband am beginning experiments on thermoelectric generation. Any information on materialsuppliers and information of the process will be most helpful. This became the number onesite for me instantly ! Thank You
Garry Shaw <>
Hurricane , UT USA - Sunday, May 04, 1997 at 16:47:43 (EDT)
There was a network outage this morning may have briefly interrupted access thismorning. This is really just a test to see that everything is working again. Thx for yoursupport!
Cronin B. Vining <>
Auburn, AL USA - Friday, March 28, 1997 at 10:37:35 (EST)
Everyone is invited to take a look at my website, which shows how organisms couldmake use of thermoelectric energy conversion! Has anyone experience with organism growth(biofouling) on a spot where, in the absence of food or light, thermal cycling occurred ora thermal gradient was present? If so, please let me know!
Anthonie W.J. Muller <
Edinburgh, Scotland - Friday, March 07, 1997 at 13:49:52 (EST)
Everyone is invited to take a look at my website, which shows how organisms couldmake use of thermoelectric energy conversion! Has anyone experience with organism growth(biofouling) on a spot where, in the absence of food or light, thermal cycling occurred ora thermal gradient was present? If so, please let me know!
Anthonie W.J. Muller <
Edinburgh, Scotland - Friday, March 07, 1997 at 13:48:23 (EST)
You have a very unique and informative site. Keep up the good work. My interest isprimarily in thermoelectric generators.
Robert A. Shaffer <>
Southampton, PA USA - Sunday, February 16, 1997 at 00:40:52 (EST)
We look for partners and sponsors who wants to investigate the resonant states ofimpurities and defects in Bi2Te3 (A5B6) by researching of kinetic effects. About thesetheme is our report on 1997 Spring Meeting, if we'd reached San Francisko..
Marina K. Zhitinskaya <>
St.-Petersburg, Russia - Thursday, February 13, 1997 at 12:46:53 (EST)
Linking all TE people and companies together on the ZT Link is an amazingaccomplishment! As a developer, designer and fabricator of specialty substrates for TECoolers we would like to be part of this network and exchange information and ideas. Wespe cialize in substrates for miniature coolers and for coolers with special features. Wewill be pleased to assist anyone regarding their material needs. We are proud to be partof this site.
Remtec, Inc. <>
Norwood, MA USA - Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 12:10:36 (EST)
Your site seems to be a nexus for valuable information for students and researcherslike me. Thanks for the effort you have put into it. Hopefully, my thesis will be finishedbefore February. "Transient Thermoelectric Effects of Bismuth-Telluride All oys"
Terry Clancy <>
College Station, TX USA - Friday, January 03, 1997 at 12:56:02 (EST)
Very interesting site!!!. I'm interested in research on thermoelectric thin films(Bi2Te3 and its alloys) and cold pressed materials based on PbTe
Marhoun FERHAT <>
Montpellier, FRANCE - Friday, December 27, 1996 at 16:43:33 (EST)
Very interesting sites.Thank you.
HUANG Hailing <>
Fujisawa-shi, Japan - Wednesday, December 18, 1996 at 19:41:27 (EST)
I am interested in researching on thermoelectric power generation system usingindustrial waste gas. I am very glad to join this web-site. Thank you !
D.H., Kang <
Pohang, KOREA - Friday, December 13, 1996 at 04:41:59 (EST)
I have used successfully thermoelectric materials at ambient temperature to developa new temperature control method (Inertially Stabilised Thermoelectric Calorimeter. - J LHemmerich, L Serio, P Milverton - UK and international patent)capable of achie vingtemperature stability of the order of 1 microK/h. With these temperature stability we wereable to accurately measure thermal energy (i.e. few hundred nanoW). I would like to applythis method at cryogenic temperatures (i.e. 70 to 4.5 K). At these te mperatures I havefew ideas on possible technological applications but unfortunately I do not have found yeta thermoelectric materials capable of providing the same efficiency than at ambienttemperature (or at least not few order of magnitude less).
Luigi Serio <
Geneva, Switzerland - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 11:28:04 (EST)
VANDERBIJLPARK, SA - Tuesday, December 03, 1996 at 02:01:06 (EST)
Very interesting sites.Thank you.
Gennadi Gromov <
Moscow, Russia - Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 17:36:17 (EST)
I just thought I would welcome Jay to the ZTS Website! I'm sure some people in thethermoelectric community would be happy to help you understand thermoelectrics better. Whydon't you post some questions in the
CroninB. Vining <>
Auburn, AL USA - Monday, November 25, 1996 at 23:13:37 (EST)
I am a grade ten student working on a science project involving thermocoupletechnology. I applaud those that work every day with the concepts I am having so muchtrouble grasping.
Jay Reichel
Vancouver, BC CANada - Monday, November 25, 1996 at 18:11:33 (EST)
Thanks for putting together a great site! Noranda Advanced Materials is a majorsupplier of the high purity metals (Te,Bi,Se,Sb) for the thermoelectric market and we arepresently constructing our web page. When it is ready, I will be in touch with y ou. Inthe meantime, we will be pleased to assist anyone regarding materials requirements.
Mike Benson <>
Montreal, QQu Canada - Thursday, November 14, 1996 at 12:10:00 (EST)
I am just discovering the applications for power generation in remote areas. If Ican suppliment my wind & solar power this way I will. Thanks for the assistance.
Wil Reeder <>
delta, BC Canada - Tuesday, November 12, 1996 at 22:49:33 (EST)
Are you interested in new ideas to generate coldness based on thermoelectriceffects? At the 3rd European Workshop on Thermoelectrics in Cardiff (16-17th Sept. 1996) Ipresented new ideas. Please visited my WWW-page and download my article (WinWord orPostscript). I am interested in every comment!
Gerhard Kainz <
Vienna, Austria - Sunday, November 03, 1996 at 04:30:48 (EST)
Finally, I have encountered my favorite site on the net!!! Congratulations to Mr.Vining for this very useful site. I´m a brazilian chemical engineer and my company is theleader in Brazil´s explosives manufacturing. I need a cheap, miniature, thermoel ectricbattery that fits in a 6,35 mm diam. X 30 mm length shell, and releases some 3 milijoulesin a few miliseconds, when heated to some 1,000 Celsius degrees. After this time, thedevice needs not to be operational anymore. If such a thing belongs to r eal world, pleasee-mail me. Thanks
Marco Falquete <>
Curitiba, PR Brazil - Thursday, October 31, 1996 at 06:55:48 (EST)
I am a control systems engineer working on the autonomous control of a subsea oilproduction wellhead in 135m of water, east of the Shetland Islands. We are mounting a THEGon a 6" flowline as a power source for the well control equipment. We expect t orecover about 200watts, for a DTof approx 80 deg C. The wellhead is to be controlled, viaan acoustic link, from the Dunbar platform 5.2km away. The THEG elements we intend to useare bismuth telluride. As a participant in this exciting development I am keen to expandmy knowledge of the theory of thermo-electric devices. This site looks like an excellentplace to start!
Steve Byrne <>
Aberdeen, Scotland - Tuesday, October 22, 1996 at 17:24:31 (EDT)
I don't have any at this time!
Diane Brokhoff <>
New Windsor, NY USA - Saturday, September 28, 1996 at 17:38:12 (EDT)
This is a very interesting topic. I need to have the proceedings from ICT96. Bestregards Lennart
Lennart Holmgren <>
Stockholm, Sweden - Friday, September 20, 1996 at 18:11:56 (EDT)
Interested in obtaining list of manufacterers of Peltier devices.
Chris Brunnmeier <>
Alpena, MI USA - Thursday, September 19, 1996 at 09:21:42 (EDT)
We are seeking firms interested in strategic partnering. Our polymer Ultraconductors(tm) can replace superconductors in TE applications.
Mark Goldes <>
Sebastopol, CA USA - Tuesday, September 17, 1996 at 11:19:20 (EDT)
Very helpful site! Who needs to buy cheap Tellurium ingots 99.999 % for experiments& productions please let contact me - FAX: +422 6841310.
Prague, Czech Republic - Monday, September 16, 1996 at 04:11:56 (EDT)
Motorola SPS Inc. Logic & Analog Technologies Group Advanced Technolgy OperationAdvanced Test & Factory Systems Division 602.413.5641
Mr. Peter Gibson Goolsby <>
Tempe, AZ USA - Friday, September 13, 1996 at 14:17:23 (EDT)
I'm new to this branch of engineering. Just stopped by to see what kind ofapplicaations would thermoelectricity have in real world. george puvvada
george puvvada <>
USA - Sunday, September 08, 1996 at 18:18:04 (EDT)
penang , malaysia - Sunday, September 08, 1996 at 00:55:06 (EDT)
I am looking for basic theory materials on thermoelectric devices, specificallysilicon. Information on optimum junction depth, dopant profiles, and expected performanceis desired.
Alan Atherton <>
Austin, TX USA - Friday, September 06, 1996 at 14:41:03 (EDT)
Congratulations on all the correspondance. This site will contribute to the world ofThemoelectrics. so many people so far have been unable to locate information. thanks tothis site we the eldes must try and answer peoples questions. I am in the US at the momentbut as soon as I get back to my office:Marvel I will answer some of the questions.
John Stockholm <>
Vernouillet 78540, France - Friday, August 23, 1996 at 18:40:39 (EDT)
I'm very interestead in "Thermoelectric Devices".
Kazuhiko Shinohara <>
Yokosuka, JAPAN - Thursday, August 22, 1996 at 01:50:35 (EDT)
I am a Mechanical Engineer who is researching the state of the art of thermoelectriccooling. Previous to finding these web pages, the information available was almostnonexistant. I would be thrilled to find an athoritative source providing performanc e& design rules for these devices, as well as a source of off-the-shelf products. Ihave been on the web for four days now, so please pardon my ignorance if it shows.
Bob DeWitt <>
Portland, OR USA - Wednesday, August 21, 1996 at 15:12:01 (EDT)
Is there a text-only access? My ISP is non-graphics, and there are gaps in the textat important places.
Ed Flowers <>
Mountain View, CA USA - Monday, August 19, 1996 at 12:58:26 (EDT)
I don't believe thermoelectric devices are made from Silicon, what types ofmaterials are used now adays for the most efficient thermoelectric devices? For the leastcostly?
Bill Yerkes <>
Fall City, WA USA - Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 22:55:38 (EDT)
Thank you for sharing your information.
Ned Allison <>
Sacramento, ca USA - Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 19:42:16 (EDT)
I'm looking information about Peltier modules I hope I'll find it here.
Jose Rullan
Mayaguez, PR USA - Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 01:08:27 (EDT)
your background makes it hard to read your page
David Volkenand <>
Sagle, Id USA - Monday, August 12, 1996 at 12:24:06 (EDT)
Great to see some info on these remarkable devices
Kurt Mertzenich <>
Beltsville, MD USA - Saturday, August 10, 1996 at 14:19:26 (EDT)
Cronin - Love the idea, and the web-site. Keep up the good work. I'd like to connectthis website to ours in the future for everyone out there interested in direct copperbonded ceramic TEC plates. See you soon!
Dave DeWire <>
Newmarket, NH USA - Tuesday, August 06, 1996 at 11:31:03 (EDT)
Robert L. Farley <>
Farmington, NM USA - Sunday, August 04, 1996 at 16:23:10 (EDT)
Please mail me membership kit and sample copy of your journal to BY Kim 1463-2 DaeYeon 5 Dong, Namgu, Pusan, Korea
BY Kim <>
Pusan, Korea - Saturday, August 03, 1996 at 09:04:37 (EDT)
Nice site -- I'm associated with the IEEE, which was a co-sponsor of the 1996 ICT.Perhaps we'll be involved in future ICTs!
Paul Wesling <>
Saratoga, CA USA - Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 19:42:06 (EDT)
I thought I would thank everyone for their comments in my guestbook. I am alwayslooking for ways to improve the site and I take your suggestions seriously. I particularlywanted to respond to H. Harvey Michels suggestion. I'm actually quite interested inproviding such a service, but I'm sure you must realize that the time and effort involvedwould be really substantial. If there is sufficient interest, perhaps I can pursue asponsor to cover some of the costs. Anyone else interested?
Cronin B. Vining <>
Auburn, AL USA - Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at 23:20:12 (EDT)
A valuable and informative net service. Please list latest technical papers in thisarea in an updated folder with a brief abstract of their technical content.
H. Harvey Michels <>
E. Hartford, CT USA - Thursday, July 11, 1996 at 22:39:41 (EDT)
I feel I am going to be a frequent visitor on this page.
Leonid Grigorian <>
Lexington, KY USA - Thursday, June 27, 1996 at 15:48:46 (EDT)
This site is an excellent idea and contribution to an exciting field of research andtechnology.
Evan D. Miller <>
University Park, PA USA - Wednesday, June 26, 1996 at 05:34:50 (EDT)
Thanks for providing the DARPA info.
G.D. Mahan <>
USA - Wednesday, June 19, 1996 at 08:38:04 (EDT)
Cronin - Thanks for the continued and useful service that you provide to theThermoelectrics community. I am looking forward to seeing you again.
James A. Hutchby <
RTP, NC USA - Tuesday, June 18, 1996 at 12:13:00 (EDT)
Great idea on how to keep an R&D communiyt together
Ron Smith <>
Blue Bell, PA USA - Monday, June 10, 1996 at 23:18:56 (EDT)
ZTS Web Site is way cool!
Steve Loughin <>
King of Prussia, PA USA - Friday, June 07, 1996 at 08:50:24 (EDT)
Your web site looks good! Just imagine how useful this will be once the ZT=1"barrier" is broken! See you soon!
Bruce Cook <Cook@AmesLab.Gov>
Ames, IA USA - Wednesday, June 05, 1996 at 23:16:56 (EDT)
Thank you for linking our website to yours. Now I have to figure out how all theseinternet search services work. (I "submitted" to a bunch of them 01MAY, but noneof them have us come up when I search "thermoelectric". I note that none of theones I tried have your page listed either.) World please note that Hi-Z has changedphysical locations: Hi-Z Technology, Inc. 7606 Miramar Road San Diego CA 92126-4202, USAtel.: +1 619 695-6660 FAX: +1 619 695-8870 e-mail:
Dan Allen <>
San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, June 05, 1996 at 13:34:26 (EDT)
Hello, Dr. Vining. We are keeping good conbination in our laboratory. I am lookingforward to see you again
Atsushi Yamamoto <>
Tsukuba, Japan - Wednesday, June 05, 1996 at 10:21:52 (EDT)
Welcome to the ZT Services WWW site. We appreciate your comments and interest.Thanks.
Cronin B. Vining <>
Auburn, AL USA - Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 17:58:16 (EDT)
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