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General/All (A&B) |
Maroon - Ballroom A & B |
Blue - Ballroom C & D |
Sunday, 8/29/99
1:00pm - 6:00pm
5:00pm - 9:00pm
8:00pm - 9:30pmITS Board Meeting
Reception / Registration
Rump Session (Click here for more details)
Monday, 8/30/99
General Session - Large - A & B 7:00am - 9:00am
8:15am - 8:30am
8:30am - 9:30am
9:30am - 9:50am
Registration / Continental Breakfast
Dr. Alexander Ehrlich (Conference Chairman) and Dr. Mike Rowe (President / International Thermoelectrics Society - Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dr. Delores Etter, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology - Keynote Address
Dr. Larry Dubois, Director / Defense Sciences Office / DARPA - Introduction to the DARPA Program on Advanced Thermoelectric Materials and Devices
9:50am - 10:15am B R E A K
SKUTTERUDITES I - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: T. Caillat 10:15am - 10:45am D.C. Johnson (Invited) University of Oregon - MO-SKIO.01
Synthesis of Skutterudite Superlattice Compounds by Controlled Crystallization of Elementally Modulated Reactants10:45am - 11:00am J.L. Feldman, Naval Research Laboratory - MO-SKIO.02
Theory of Vibrational Properties of Lanthanum-Iron4=Antimony1211:00am - 11:15am J.C. Tedenac, Universite De Montpellier II - MO-SKIO.03
Skutterudite Cased New Thermoelectric Compounds11:15am - 11:30am M. Fornari, CSI George Mason Univ. & NRL - MO-SKIO.04
Prediction of High Room Temperature Thermopower in n-Type Filled Skutterudites La-Ru-Rh-Sb11:30am - 11:45am D.C. Johnson/H. Sellinchegg, University of Oregon - MO-SKIO.05
The Effect of Various Filler Atoms on the Thermoelectric Properties of Ternary Skutterudites
COOLING DEVICES - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: J.-P. Fleurial 10:15am - 10:30am C. LaBounty, University of California, Santa Barbara - MO-CDEO.01
Design of Integrated Thin Film Coolers10:30am - 10:45am A. Miner, University of California, Berkeley - MO-CDEO.02
The Application of Transient Thermoelectric Effects in a Thermo-electro-mechanical Cooler10:45am - 11:00am K.A. Moores, University of Maryland - MO-CDEO.03
Performance Assessment Of Thermoelectric Coolers For Use In High Temperature Electronics Applications11:00am - 11:30am A. Shakouri (Invited), University of California, Santa Cruz - MO-CDEO.04
Material Optimization for Heterostructure Integrated Thermionic Coolers11:30am - 11:45am Break
11:45am - 1:30pm L U N C H
HALF HEUSLER - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: T. Tritt 1:30pm - 2:00pm J. Poon (Invited), University of Virginia - MO-HHEO.01
Metal-Non Metal Transition and Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties in Half-Heusler Alloys2:00pm - 2:15pm S.D. Mahanti, Michigan State University - MO-HHEO.02
Physics of the Gap Formation in Half - Heusler and Complex Bismuth Chalcogenide Systems - Narrow Gap Semicondutors2:15pm - 2:30pm C. Uher, University of Michigan - MO-HHEO.03
Bismuth-Doped ZrNiSn Intermetallics2:30pm - 2:45pm K. Matsubara, Science Univ. of Tokyo in Yamaguchi - MO-HHEO.04
Electrical properties of half-metallic PtMnSb-based Heusler alloys2:45pm - 3:00pm B.A. Cook, Ames Laboratory - Iowa State University - MO-HHEO.05
High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of MniSn (M=Zr,Hf)
WASTE HEAT - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: S. Yamaguchi 1:30pm - 1:45pm J.W. Stevens, Mississippi State University - MO-WHEO.01
Heat Transfer and Thermoelectric Design Considerations for a Ground-source Thermoelectric Generator1:45pm - 2:00pm T. Eura, Ion Eng. Research Institute Corp. - MO-WHEO.02
Research And Development On A Thermoelectric Power Generating System Using Low-Calorie Exhaust Gas (II)2:00pm - 2:15pm D.J. Bergman, Tel Aviv University - MO-WHEO.03
Enhancement of Thermoelectric Power Factor in Composite Thermoelectrics2:15pm - 2:30pm D. Allen, Hi-Z Technology, Inc. - MO-WHEO.04
Further Development of "Self-Powered Boilers"2:30pm - 2:45pm Satarou Yamaguchi, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan - MO-WHEO.05
New Proposal of High Temperature Thermoelectric Conversion in Power Plant2:45pm - 3:00pm A. Kondo/Yamaguchi, Toshiba Corporation, Japan - MO-WHEO.06
New Proposal of Medium Temperature Thermoelectric Conversion in Power Plant (II)
3:00pm - 3:30pm B R E A K
THIN FILM & SUPERLATTICES I - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: T.L. Reinecke 3:30pm - 4:00pm M.S. Dresselhaus (Invited), Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MO-TFIO.01
Advances in 1D and 2D Thermoelectric Materials4:00pm - 4:15pm A. Yamamoto, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan - MO-TFIO.02
In-Plane Thermoelectric Properties of Si-Ge Multiple Quantum Wells4:15pm - 4:30pm R. Venkatasubramanian, Research Triangle Institute - MO-TFIO.03
Phonon-Blocking Electron-Transmitting Structures4:30pm - 4:45pm J.B. Ketterson, Northwestern University - MO-TFIO.04
Artificially Ordered BiSb Superlattice Alloy: Growth and Thermoelectric Properties4:45pm - 5:00pm W. Pitschke, Institute of Solid State and Materials, Dreseden, Germany - MO-TFIO.05
High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Doped Iridium Silicide Thin Films
TE MODULE PERFORMANCE - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: J. W. Sharp 3:30pm - 3:45pm U. Ghoshal, IBM Austin Research Laboratory - MO-TEPO.01
Advanced Electronic Microcoolers3:45pm - 4:00pm R.M. Smythe, Melcor Corporation - MO-TEPO.02
Design, Selection and Modeling Software for Thermoelectric Applications4:00pm - 4:30pm C. Hilbert (Invited), Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. (MCC) - MO-TEPO.03
Thermoelectric MEMS Coolers4:30pm - 4:45pm A. Lopez, University Politechnical of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain - MO-TEPO.04
Frequency Response Of Peltier Cell Considering A Lineal Working Parameter4:45pm - 5:00pm M.J. Nagy, TE Technology, Inc. - MO-TEPO.05
The Effect of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Frequency on the Reliability of Thermoelectric Modules
7:00pm - 10:00pm Poster Session 1 and Reception - Harborview Room
Heavy Hors d'oeuvres and Beverages
Tuesday, 8/31/99
GENERAL SESSION - LARGE - A & B SESSION CHAIR: S. Wolf 7:00am - 9:00am Registration / Continental Breakfast 8:15am - 9:00am R.C. Chu (Plenary), IBM Corporation - TU-GESO.01
Application of Thermoelectrics to Cooling Electronics: Review and Prospects9:00am - 9:45am T.C. Harman (Plenary), Lincoln Laboratory, MIT - TU-GESO.02
PbTe-Based Quantum-Dot Thermoelectric Materials with High ZT
9:45am - 10:15am B R E A K
MICRO DEVICES - LARGE - A & B SESSION CHAIR: J. Pazik 10:15am - 10:45am F. Voelklein (Invited), FH Wiesbaden, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany - TU-MDEO.01
Thermoelectric Microsensors and Microactuators (MEMS) Fabricated by Thin Film Technology and Micromachining10:45am - 11:15am J.-P. Fleurial (Invited), Jet Propulsion Laboratory - TU-MDEO.02
Thick-Film Thermoelectric Microdevices11:15am - 11:45am M. Kishi (Invited), Seiko Instruments Inc., Japan - TU-MDE0.03
PMicro-Thermoelectric Modules and Their Application to Wrist Watches as an Energy Source
11:45am - 2:00pm L U N C H / P O S T E R S E S S I O N
SKUTTERUDITES II - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: I. Matsubara 2:00pm - 2:15pm M. Matsuura, Yamaguchi University, Japan - TU-SIIO.01
Thermoelectric Properties on Antimonide Skutterudites and Filled Skutteruditess2:15pm - 2:30pm D.J. Singh, Naval Research Laboratory - MO-TFIO.02
First Principles Studies Of Novel Thermoelectric Materials2:30pm - 2:45pm J. Behnke, University of California - TU-SIIO.03
Electrodeposition of Cobalt-Antimony3 Nanowires2:45pm - 3:00pm H. Uchida, Japan Ultra-high Temperature Materials Research Institute - TU-SIIO.04
Effect of Excess Antimony on TE-Properties of Cobalt-Antimony based Skutterudite Materials Prepared by Gas Atomizing and Sintering Process3:00pm - 3:15pm J. Yang, GM R&D and Planning - TU-SIIO.05
Transport Properties of Cobalt1-x-Ironx-Antimony33:15pm - 3:30pm A. Watcharapasorn, Stanford University - TU-SIIO.06
Thermoelectric Properties of Phosphorus-Based Skutterudite Compounds
NOVEL DEVICES - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: D. Van Vechten 2:00pm - 2:30pm I. Stark (Invited), D.T.S. GmbH, Germany - TU-NDEO.01
New Micro Thermoelectric Devices based on Bismuttelluride-Type Thin Solid Films2:30pm - 2:45pm T. Caillat, Jet Propulsion Laboratory - TU-NDEO.02
Development of a High Efficiency Segmented Thermoelectric Unicouple for Power Generation Applications2:45pm - 3:00pm A. Gulian, Naval Research Laboratory - TU-NDEO.03
Thermoelectric Single-Photon Detectors: Isotropic Seebeck Sensors3:00pm - 3:15pm K. Fujita, Tokyo Gas Co.,Ltd. - TU-NDEO.04
Thermoelectric Properties of Oxide Device; NaxCoO2-d/(Nd0.95Zr0.05)2CuO43:15pm - 3:30pm S. Ghamaty, Hi-Z Technology, Inc. - TU-NDEO.05
Development of Quantum Well Thermoelectric Device
3:30pm - 4:00pm B R E A K
CLATHRATES - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: O. Sankey 4:00pm - 4:15pm G.D. Stucky, University of California - TU-CLAO.01
The Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Clathrates: Host/Guest Charge Densities and Guest Atom Displacements4:15pm - 4:30pm J. Badding, Pennsylvania State University - TU-CLAO.02
Pressure Tuning of Thermoelectric Materials4:30pm - 4:45pm G.K. Ramachandran, Arizona State University - TU-CLAO.03
Tetrelide Clathrates as Solid-State Refrigerants4:45pm - 5:00pm H. Metiu, University of California, Santa Barbara - TU-CLAO.04
The Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Clathrates: A Density Functional Study5:00pm - 5:15pm G.S. Nolas, Marlow Industries, Inc. - TU-CLAO.05 br> Clathrates: Electron Crystals -- Phonon Glasses 5:15pm - 5:30pm O.F. Sankey, Arizona State University - TU-CLAO.06
Properties of Semiconductor Clathrates from Density Functional Theory
MILLIWATT POWER SOURCES - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: R. Nowak 4:00pm - 4:15pm A. Borshchevsky, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CalTech - TU-MPSO.01
Experimental Confirmation of Powerstick Concept4:15pm - 4:30pm L.I. Anatychuk, Institute of Thermoelectricity, Chernivtsi, Ukraine - TU-MPSO.02
New thermoelectric modules Altec4:30pm - 4:45pm N.B. Elsner, Hi-Z Technology, Inc. - TU-MPSO.03
Fabrication and Evaluation of milliWatt Modules4:45pm - 5:15pm A. Pustovalov (Invited), Scientific-Production Enterprise "BIAPOS", Moscow, Russia - TU-MPSO.04
Mini RTGs on Plutonium-238: Development and Application5:15pm - 5:30pm D.T. Allen/J.C. Bass, Hi-Z Technology, Inc. - TU-MPSO.05
Milliwatt Radioisotope Power Supply for Space Applications
6:00pm - 10:00pm Off-Site Banquet Dinner
Wednesday, 9/1/99
GENERAL SESSION - LARGE - A & B SESSION CHAIR: G. Chen 7:00am - 9:00am Registration / Continental Breakfast 8:30am - 9:15am B. Sales (Plenary), Oak Ridge National Laboratory - WE-GESO.01
Atomic Displacement Parameters and the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Clathrate-Like Thermoelectric Materials9:15am - 10:00am J. Goldsmid (Plenary), University of Tasmania - WE-GESO.02
Possibilities for Improvement in Thermoelectric Refrigeration
10:00am - 10:30am B R E A K
NEW/NOVEL MATERIALS I - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: C. Uher 10:30am - 11:00am L. Shelimova (Invited), A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy RAS, Moscow, Russia - WE-NMIO.01
Complex Ternary Mixed Layered Tetradymite-like Chalcogenides as Novel Thermoelectrics11:00am - 11:15am G.J. Snyder, JPL/California Institute of Technology - WE-NMIO.02
New Thermoelectric Materials Under Investigation at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)11:15am - 11:30am D. Singh, Naval Research Laboratory - WE-NMIO.03
Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Tl2-Sn-Te511:30am - 11:45am B. Wolfing, Lucent Technologies - WE-NMIO.04
Thermoelectric properties of the compounds thallium9-X-Q6 (X= antimony, bismuth; Q= selenium, tellurium)11:45am - 12:00pm Y. Oosawa, National Inst. of Mats. and Chem. Research, Japan - WE-NMIO.05
PbBi2Te4 and PbBi4Te7, Thermoelectric Materials Formed in the System of Pb-Bi-Te
NANOSTRUCTURES I - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: K. Stokes 10:30am - 10:45am A. Nikolaeva, Moldavian Academy of Sciences - WE-NSIO.01
CANCELLED10:45am - 11:00am S. Cronin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - WE-NSIO.02
Thermoelectric Investigation of Bismuth Nanowires11:00am -11:15am T.E. Huber, Howard University - WE-NSIO.03
Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Bismuth Wire Array Composites11:15am - 11:45am C. Lieber (Invited), Harvard University - WE-NSIO.04
Semiconductor Quantum Wires for Thermoelectrics11:45am -12:00pm B. Dunn/W.-N. Shen, University of California, Los Angeles - WE-NSIO.05
Microstructure-Property Relations for Porous Bismuth Films
12:00am - 1:15pm L U N C H
OXIDES - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: W. Pitschke 1:30pm - 1:45pm M. Ohtaki, Kyushu University, Japan - WE-OXIO.01
Thermoelectric Properties and Crystal Chemistry of Promising Oxide Candidate NaxCoO21:45pm - 2:15pm I. Terasaki (Invited), Waseda Univ. - WE-OXIO.02
Physical Properties of NaCo2O4 and the Related Oxides: Strongly Correlated Layered Oxides as Thermoelectric Materials2:15pm - 2:30pm S. Li, Osaka National Research Inst., AIST, Japan - WE-OXIO.03
High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties Of Oxide Ca9Co12O282:30pm -2:45pm S. Sugihara, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan - WE-OXIO.04
Doping Effect of Metal into Iron Disiliside on Electronic Structures and Thermoelectric Properties2:45pm -3:00pm V.E. Baukin, JSC Kryotherm, Saint Petersburg, Russia - WE-OXIO.05
Gas cooling system with power 150 KWt
THERMIONICS - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: C. Vining 1:30pm - 2:00pm G.D. Mahan, University of Tennessee - WE-THEO.01
Multilayer Thermionic Refrigeration2:00pm - 2:15pm G. Chen, University of California at Los Angeles - WE-THEO.02
Nonequilibrium Electron-Phonon Interactions in Thin-Film Thermoelectric and Thermioic Structures2:15pm - 2:30pm S. Huxtable, University of California - WE-THEO.03
Thermal Conductivity of Indium Phosphide Based Superlattices2:30pm - 2:45pm H.H. Weitering, The University of Tennessee - WE-THEO.04
Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Metal/Semiconductor Hetero-structures for Thermionic Refrigeration2:45pm - 3:00pm Y.G. Gurevich, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico - WE-THEO.05
Thermoelectric Transport in Semiconductors-Emergence of Nonequilibrium Charge Carriers
3:00pm - 3:30pm B R E A K
NEW/NOVEL MATERIALS II - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: D.M. Rowe 3:30pm - 3:45pm T. Kajikawa, Shonan Institute of Technology - WE-NMIIO.01
Thermoelectric Properties of High Temperature Transition Metal Silicides Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Method3:45pm - 4:00pm M.G. Kanatzidis, Michigan State University - WE-NMIIO.02
Complex Bi Chalcogenides as "Phonon-Glass/Electron-Crystal" Materials for Thermoelectric Applications4:00pm - 4:15pm A.L. Pope, Clemson University - WE-NMIIO.03
Effects of the Addition of Co on the Thermoelectric Properties of the AlPdMn Quasicrystalline System4:15pm - 4:30pm C. Roche, Ecole des Mines, France - WE-NMIIO.04
Band structure calculations of Chevrel phases compounds (Ti, Zn, Mo6Se8)4:30pm - 4:45pm R.T. Littleton, Clemson Unviersity - WE-NMIIO.05
High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Pentatellurides4:45pm - 5:00pm C. Kannewurf, Northwestern University - WE-NMIIO.06
Transport Properties of the Doped Thermoelectric Materials K2Bi8Se13 and K2.5Bi8.5Se14
NANOSTRUCTURES II -BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: J. Prater 3:30pm - 4:00pm R. Baughman (Invited), Allied Signal - WE-NSIIO.01
Three-Dimensionally Periodic Nanostructured Thermoelectrics4:00pm - 4:15pm A. Zakhidov, Allied Signal, Inc. - WE-NSIIO.02
Design and Fabrication of 3-D Periodic Thermoelectric Heterojunction Nanostructures4:15pm - 4:30pm I. Khayrullin, Allied Signal, Inc. - WE-NSIIO.03
Thermoelectric Properties of Periodic Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb Nanofoams: Suppression of Thermal Conductivity and Weak Localization Effects4:30pm - 4:45pm P. Radkowski, University of California, Berkeley - WE-NSIIO.04
Simulating Coupled Electron and Phonon Systems in Quantum Wires and Superlattices4:45pm - 5:00pm G.D. Mahan, University of Tennessee - WE-NSIIO.05
Diffusion in Opal Structures
5:00pm - 7:00pm Evening Social - Exhibitors
Thursday, 9/2/99
GENERAL SESSION - LARGE - A & B SESSION CHAIR: A. Ehrlich 7:00am - 9:00am Registration / Continental Breakfast 8:30am - 9:00am M.A. Ryan (Plenary), Jet Propulsion Laboratory - TH-GESO.01
The Alkali Metal Thermal-to-Electric Converter for Solar System Exploration9:00am - 9:30am R.E. Black (Plenary), Lockheed Martin Corporation - TH-GESO.02
Thermophotovoltaics Development Status and Parametric Considerations for Power Applications9:30am - 10:00am O. Symko (Plenary), University of Utah - TH-GESO.03
Energy Conversion Using Thermoacoustic Devices10:00am - 10:30am E. Towe (Plenary), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - TH-GESO.04
Innovative approaches to thermal management: alternatives to thermoelectric coolers10:30am - 10:40am R.E. Black and O.E. Symko - Best Papers Award Ceremony 10:40am - 11:00am B R E A K
THIN FILM & SUPERLATTICES II - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: A. Heinrich 11:00am - 11:15am T.L. Reinecke, Naval Research Laboratory - TH-TFIIO.01
Thermoelectric Transport in Superlattices from Anisotropic Materials11:15am - 11:30am M.S. Dresselhaus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - TH-TFIIO.02
Experimental Study of the Effects of the Quantum Well Structures on the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit in Si/Si1-xGeX System11:30am - 12:00pm J.C. Caylor, University of California - Berkeley - TH-TFIIO.03
Growth and Properties of Multilayered Skutterudite Thin Films12:00pm -12:15pm H. Griessmann, Institute of Solid State and Materials, Dresden, Germany - TH-TFIIO.04
Thermoelectric Transport Properties, Structure Investigations and Application of Doped beta-Irondisilicide Thin Films12:15pm -12:30pm M. Mukaida, National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research - TH-TFIIO.05
Preparation of B-Si Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition
CHARACTERIZATION - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: R. Venkatasubramanian 11:00am - 11:30am B. Archibald, Symyx Technologies - TH-CHAO.01
Combinatorial Methods for Thermoelectric Materials Discovery11:30am - 11:45am T. Hogan, Michigan State University - TH-CHAO.02
Measurement System for Doping and Alloying Trends In New Thermoelectric Materials11:45am -12:00pm S. Johnston, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - TH-CHAO.03
Magnetoresistance Technique for Determining Cross-Plane Mobility in Superlattice Devices12:00pm - 12:15pm G. Chen, University of California at Los Angeles - TH-CHAO.04
Thermal Conductivity Characterization of Skutterudite Thin Films12:15pm - 12:30pm I. Bhat, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - TH-CHAO.05
Optical Properties of BI2Te3 and Sb2Te3 Grown By Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
12:30am - 2:00pm L U N C H
THIN FILM & SUPERLATTICES III - BALLROOM A & B SESSION CHAIR: D.A. Broido 2:00pm - 2:30pm A. Lambrecht (Invited), Fraunhofer-IPM, Germany -TH-TFIIIO.01
Thermoelectric Properties of Epitaxial PbSrTe and PbSrSe Bulk and MQW Thin Films2:30pm - 2:45pm J. Nurnus, Fraunhofer-IPM, Germany - TH-TFIIIO.02
Epitaxial Bismuthtelluride Layers grown on (111) bariumfluoride substrates suitable for MQW-Growth2:45pm - 3:00pm J.B. Ketterson, Northwestern University - TH-TFIIIO.03
Control of Antisite Defect Effect of Sb2Te3 Thin Films3:00pm - 3:15pm J. Nurnus, Fraunhofer-IPM, Germany - TH-TFIIIO.04
Layered (IV-VI)-(V-VI)-Materials for Low Dimensional Thermoelectric Structures3:15pm - 3:30pm J. Goldsmid, Marlow Industries Inc. - TH-TFIIIO.05
Boundary Scattering of Charge Carriers and Phonons
BiSb & TELLURIDES - BALLROOM C & D SESSION CHAIR: H. Scherrer 2:00pm - 2:15pm M. Bartkowiak, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - TH-BiSbO.01
Electronic structure of Sb2Te3 under pressure2:15pm - 2:30pm J.-M. Simard, Noranda Advanced Materials - TH-BiSbO.02
Evolution of Structure and Composition of Bismuth Telluride Alloys during Mechanical Alloying and Extrusion2:30pm - 2:45pm H. Tashiro, Toyo Kohan Co., Ltd., Japan - TH-BiSbO.03
Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth-Tellurium Based Compounds Prepared by Particulate Processing2:45pm - 3:00pm R.B. Kaner, University of California Los Angeles - TH-BiSbO.04
Modification of Bismuth Telluride for Improving Thermoelectric Properties3:00pm - 3:15pm O. Sokolov, SCTB Nord Company, Moscow, Russia - TH-BiSbO.05
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Composition Of the Condensed and Gas-vapor Phases of Bi2Te3-based Solid Solutions Doped with Organic and Inorganic Haloid Compounds3:15pm - 3:30pm A. Anukhin, Scientific and Production Firm MODUL, Kiev, Ukraine - TH-BiSbO.06
Thermoelectric Properties Of Solid Solutions (Bi,Sb)2Te with P-Type Conductivity
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Last Updated: 8/20/99