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ICT-99 Panel Discussion: "Issues in Measurement and Characterization of New and Novel Thermoelectric Materials"
Date and Time:
Sunday night August 29th: 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Maryland Suite - Second Floor
Chair and Mediator:
Dr. Terry M. Tritt (Clemson University)
Dr. Rama Venkatasubramanian, Research Triangle Institute
Dr. Kevin Stokes, University of New Orleans
Dr. Ted Harman, Massuchusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory
Prof. Ctirad Uher, University of Michigan
Dr. Valerie Browning, Naval Research Laboratory
Dr. Glen Slack, Rensselaer Poltechnic Institute
This will be a panel discussion on "Issues in Measurement and Characterization of New and Novel Thermoelectric Materials". Gold or Pyrite: How do you really know when you have a good ZT material?
The chair will have a few questions which will be asked which will be of general interest to the audience. The chair will also give about a 5 minute overview at the beginning to discuss some of the issues and thus set up the panel for questions. Topics to be discussed include measurement issues in general and also those pertinent to specific structures including bulk, thin films and artificial structures. Thermal conductivity measurements will most likely be a central theme to the evening.
Topics to be covered:
Bulk Measurements and Issues
Thin Film Measurements and Issues
Superlattice Structures: Measurements and Issues
Thermal Conductivity: 3 w technique
Thermal Conductivity: Bulk
Role of Thermal and Electrical Contacts
Minimization of Measurement Errors
Harman Technique: Direct ZT Measurement
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Last Updated: 8/23/99