The ICT'97 will have morning sessions with plenary talks, parallel technical sessions with invited and contributed talks and two poster sessions with contributed papers. More than 175 author abstracts were accepted for presentation by the Organizing Committee.
As a rule papers which the Organizing Committee expects to be of common interest were scheduled for oral presentation, whereas papers which felt to stimulate detailed discussion were classified for poster presentation.
All posters should be placed at the poster panels on the first conference day. Thus in addition to the fixed poster sessions they are open for individual discussions during the full duration of the conference.
The plenary talks cover the main fields of thermoelectric application (generation, cooling, sensing) and three actual areas of thermoelectric materials research. The invited talks are focused on new materials and thermoelectric generation. Beyond that some other fields of interest are also included. Plenary and invited talks are listed alphabetically in the supplement.
For oral presentation of regular papers a time of 15 minutes is planned including discussion of questions. For poster presentation panels with the size of 100cm in width and 140cm in heigth are available.
19.00 | Welcome Reception | |
8.15-8.30 | Opening Address | |
8..30-10.00 | Plenary Session I | |
10.30-12.30 | Generation I | Chalcogenides I |
Lunch Break | ||
13.45-15.30 | Cooling I | New Materials I |
16.00-17.30 | Skutterudites | Bi-Sb-Alloys |
18.30 | Excursion (Dresden City, Elbe River) | |
8.30-10.00 | Plenary Session II | |
10.30-12.30 | Composite Materials | Sensors, Measurements |
Lunch Break | ||
13.45-15.30 | Two Dimensional Materials | High Temperature Materials |
16.00-17.00 | Poster Session I | |
17.00-18.45 | Functionally Graded Materials | Chalcogenides II |
20.00 | Conference Banquet | |
8.30-10.00 | Plenary Session III | |
10.30-12.30 | New Materials II | Cooling II |
Lunch Break | ||
14.00-15.00 | Panel Discussion | |
15.00-16.00 | Poster Session II | |
16.30-18.30 | Generation II | Silicides |
19.30 | Farewell Party | |
9.00-11.00 | Visit of the IFW Dresden | |
14.00 | Post Conference Excursion to Saxon Switzerland |
An exhibition featuring devices and products of thermoelectric companies and research institutes will run for the full duration of the conference. The exhibition is located nearby the technical meeting rooms. For details please contact the ICT97 Exhibition Chairman
Instructions for preparing the full length papers for the Conference Proceedings were sent to all corresponding authors. For the neccessary limitation of the volume size regular papers/posters should not exceed 4 pages, invited papers 8 and plenary ones 10 pages. A short summary of technical information about preparation is given here.
The authors were asked to hand over the manuscripts during the ICT97 at the conference desk. Final deadline is August 28, 1997. Only presented contributions will be refereed for inclusion in the proceedings.
The registration fee includes one copy of the ICT97 Proceedings. Additional copies may be purchased at a discounted price of DM 100 during the conference. The post conference price amounts to DM 140 incl. shipping.
There will be a best paper award for both oral and poster contributions presented by young scientists. The awards will be given at the end of the conference during the farewell party.
The programme for accompanying guests includes
There will be a visit to the Institute of Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden on Friday morning, August 29. The tour starts from the hotels at 9 a.m by bus.
On Friday afternoon a post conference excursion is offered to Saxon Switzerland, an outstanding mountain landscape along the river Elbe near Dresden. The excursion includes an easy hiking tour of about 1 hour and optionally an evening performance in an open-air theatre (prices DM 20.- plus about DM 35.- for the ticket). Please give a binding information whether you will take part in this excursion and the theatregoing to the Organizing Committee until 10th August by mail, fax or e-mail.