Expected length of papers:
Page layout (Same as the XV ICT in Pasadena 1996):
Important Warning
When looking on this example page below at your computer screen,
the formatting of the text depends only on your www-browser and
may be quite different from that desired by the publisher.
Title Format: 12 Point, Bold, Centered Across Both Columns, Times Font, Initial-Capitals
Author Names,
affiliations (all 10point Times, centered across both columns)
Start Abstract in first column here,
Do not use Italics.
Subtitles 10 Point Times
Subtitles shold be bold left justified
no underline.
Text Format is 10 Point Times
The text is justified on both sides
single spaced and starts on the
next line. Fit all titles, text and footnotes
within the columns.
Borders are reserved for the printer's use.
Write page numbers on the back of each sheet.
Figures and Photos
Figures and photos may overlap the
area between columns, but not into
the outside borders.
Computer generated figures can be
included directly. Figures, diagrams
and photos may be sent separately
(numbers on the back). They can be
reduced and inserted by the publisher.
Leave the desired place empty in your
[1] Authors, "title", Journal, ...