



T he European Thermoelectric Society (ETS) promotes the European Conferences in Thermoelectrics (ECT) as annual meetings among scientist and enterprises involved in Thermoelectrics (TE). ECT 2014 wants to continue with the tradition of joining both the academic and industrial latest results to push forward the knowledge in TE materials, applications, designs, and tests. The attendees are welcome to Madrid in September 2014 to highlight the fundamentals of thermoelectricity, discuss devices processing, new thermoelectric materials, and applications from macro- to nano-scale.


The conference will be held in the Central Headquarters (located in the center of Madrid) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain. The chair of the conference will be Dr. Marisol Martín-González, member of the Microelectronics Institute of Madrid (IMM-CSIC), which warmly welcomes you to participate in this new ECT and make it as interesting and inspiring as previous ones have been. The participants are welcome to contribute with papers for plenary, oral and poster sessions.



  • TE materials (Novel materials, Chalcogenides, Skutterudites, Oxides, ect.)

  • Theoretical modeling of thermoelectricity

  • TE modules

  • TE measurements and characterization

  • Multi-scale TE properties

  • System and industrial applications


Introducing Madrid


No city on earth is more alive than Madrid, a beguiling place whose sheer energy carries a simple message: this city really knows how to live”

Quoted from Lonely Planet

Here is a place where the passions of Europe’s most passionate country are the fabric of daily life, a city with music in its soul and an unshakeable spring in its step. But Madrid is also one of the most open cities on earth.

As a result, it doesn’t matter where you’re from for the oft-heard phrase to ring true: “If you’re in Madrid, you’re from Madrid”.


Find out more details and useful information about Madrid & ECT