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ICT2014 Website - Nashville, TN, USA
Book of Abstracts
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B: Elements, modules & systems
Promoting thermoelectric technology to mitigate global climate change
B5: Energy system design and optimization
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Displaying 11 - 14 of 14
B5: Energy system design and optimization
Experimental Investigation of AMTEC System with Capillary Wicks for Circulating Sodium Liquid
WookHyun Lee
1, *
and ChongPyo Cho
Modeling and Optimization of Solar Thermoelectric Generators
Sean Weera
HoSung Lee
Alaa Attar
Residential Scale Concentrated Solar Thermoelectric System for Combined Heat and Electricity
B. Ohara, M. Wagner, P. Watson, R. Donohoe, C. Kunkle, R. Williams, M. Z. Chong, R. Wilmoth, K. Ugarte, and H. Lee
The best nanoparticle size distribution for minimum thermal conductivity
Hang Zhang,Austin J. Minnich
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ICT2014 July 6-10 2014, Nashville, TN USA
ICT2014 Website
Sorting Categories
C: End use applications and markets
C7: Markets
C6: Novel applications
C5: Sensors
C4: Generators
C3: Cooling
C2: Automotive
C1: Waste heat recovery
B: Elements, modules & systems
B8: Modelling
B7: Device and system performance
B6: DC/DC inverters
B5: Energy system design and optimization
B4: Thermal management and dynamics
B3: Power management and load balancing
B2: Module design
B1: Contacting and insulation
A: Materials
A7: Developments in measurement techniques and preparation methods
A6: Characterization
A5: Nanoscale and low dimensional effects
A4: Theory - bulk materials
A3: High temperature materials
A2: Medium temperature materials
A1: Low temperature materials
Align Sourcing
Alphabet Energy
Ferrotec Thermal
Hotblock Onboard
Marlow Industries
Marvel Thermoelectrics
TE Technology
Thermion Company
Watronix/INB Thermoelectric
Xiamen Hicool Electronics