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A3: High temperature materials

S. Firdosy*1,  B. Nesmith, B.C. Li1, K. Smith1, J.R. Chase1, N. Keyawa1, G. Nakatsukasa1, J-P. Fleurial1,E. Toberer, M. Olsen, D. Ginley
 1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California, USA 

 NASA has successfully relied upon plutonium-based Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators  (RTGs) for decades to support a number of space science and exploration missions. The US has launched one Fission Power System (FPS) called SNAP-10A but has long considered this technology an attractive option for power levels that might not be either practical or achievable with Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS). In addition, the high reliability, long life, all-solid-state space high temperature thermoelectric technology is also of potential interest to terrestrial based applications in power generation and waste heat recovery, provided it can meet requirements for improved efficiency, scale up production, modularity and affordability. JPL is developing segmented thermoelectric modules that could enable these systems and achieve higher efficiencies (~ 10 to 18%). The TE modules rely on advanced materials being matured for space power systems, such as p-type Yb14MnSb11 and n-type La3-XTe4 segmented with p- and n-type filled skutterudites. Proof-of-principle devices life tested at JPL have achieved conversion efficiencies as high as 15% when operated between 1273 K and 473 K.  We report on the development, fabrication and performance testing of these new modules for applications in both terrestrial solar thermal energy conversion and space-based power generation. Challenges to eventually meeting the requirements of typical terrestrial applications will also be discussed.