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A2: Medium temperature materials

A. V. Prajapatia, Y. A. Sonvaneb, and P. B. Thakora
aDepartment of Physics, V. N. South Gujarat University, Surat, India  bDepartment of Applied Physics, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India

Present paper deals with Thermo electric power of some liquid semiconductors (Si, Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Tl, Bi and Sb) have been computed by using One component Plasma (OCP) reference system. To see the screening effect of thermoelectric power on liquid semiconductor Sarkar et al local field correction function is used.  The good agreements between present results and experimental data have been achieved. So, we conclude that our newly constructed model potential is an effective one to produces the data of thermoelectric power of some liquid semiconductor.