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A5: Nanoscale and low dimensional effects
We report an investigation of the thermopower and electrical resistance of Bi- wires under applied anisotropic elastic deformation up to 2-3 % in the temperature range 2.1-300 K. Bi wires in glass cover with (1011) orientation and different diameters up to 50 nm were prepared by liquid phase casting (Teilor-Ulitovsky) method. The semimetal- semiconductor transition due to quantum size effect was observed on wires with diameter less than 80 nm. In thin Bi- wires at temperatures < 150 K the thermopower changes sign and forms a peak of positive polarity on α(T) in which thermopower reaches the value +90 ÷ +110 μV/K at 30-40K. With decreasing wires diameters a point of change of a sing thermopower and the peak positive polarity on temperature dependence α(T) are displaces in the area high temperature. By the instrumentality of research ShdH oscillations it has been established, that change of a sign thermopower on deformation dependences α(ξ) from positive value on negative at an elastic elongation Bi-wires occurring in the area of a maximum on deformation dependence of resistance R(ξ) corresponds the topological transition, at which Fermi surface T- hole disappears. It is discussed the question on increase of thermoelectric efficiency in nanowires at elastic deformation in the field of high temperature. This work was supported by Mold-Belarus. project 13.820.05.12/BF.