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A2: Medium temperature materials

Tetsuya Hashimoto, Masashi Sawada, Hiroshi Katsumata
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, Meiji University

Mg2Si can be a promising candidate for thermoelectric devices in middle-high temperature ranges, but there have been few reports on its fundamental electrical properties and their correlation with structural and optical properties. Mg films with a thickness of 100-500nm were deposited on p-type Si(111) substrates at room temperature by RF magnetron sputtering using a Mg target (purity 99.9%). Then, these samples were annealed at 400 oC for 5-20 hrs with an infrared ray oven in Ar for solid phase growth (SPG) of Mg2Si films. A thickness of SPG-Mg2Si layers was theoretically estimated to be 146nm when a thickness of Mg layer (tMg) was 100nm. These samples were characterized by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, SEM/Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), optical transmittance and reflectance, Hall effect measurements and Current (I)-Voltage (V) measurement.

All samples showed Mg2Si(220) XRD peaks and Mg2Si Raman peaks at 256 cm-1. Si Raman peaks were observed at 520 cm-1 especially for a tMg of 100nm. The molar ratio of Mg/Si was measured to be around 2.0 in the middle depth of Mg2Si layers, while the metallic Mg layers are likely to remain on the top of the surface layers, judging from hexagonal patterns observed by SEM. The optical band gaps for Mg2Si layers with tMg of 200-500 nm were 0.61-0.68eV.  All samples exhibited n-type conductivity. At annealing time for 5hrs, with increasing tMg, electron density was decreased slightly from 8.6×1016 to 6.8×1016 cm-3, while the electron mobility was increased remarkably from 30 to 109 [cm2-V-1-sec-1]. For samples with a tMg of 500nm, longer time annealing for 20hrs enhanced the electron mobility from 109 to 185 [cm2-V-1-sec-1], which was about 7 times larger than the reported values of 24 [cm2-V-1-sec-1][1]. Rectification properties of n-Mg2Si/p-Si(111) diodes were observed from I-V measurements.

[1]Takashi Kato et al., J. Appl. Phys., 110 (2011) 63723.